A downloadable desktop toy for Windows

Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

Replace your ordinary mouse cursor with its eternal nemesis: the cat paw.

A cozy utility guaranteed to make your main monitor more amusing while raising questions from friends and foes alike.

But you won't mind.

You'll just bat them off, like so much yarn.


- Supports Windows 10 + Windows 11

- Main monitor exclusive


- Mac version

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(25 total ratings)
TagsCats, Comedy, Cozy, Cute, desktop, desktop-goose, Family Friendly, Furry


Buy Now$2.99 USD or more

In order to download this desktop toy you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Desktop Cat Cursor v1.01.zip 31 MB


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happy purchaser here
would it be possible for you to make the colour of the paw print customisable?

what does the first option in the menu?

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

but can you make it free now?


dis my fave cursor,,, tho ples giv option ta hide da mouse on the bottom,,,, thank u


this looks great but i'm poor


it's pretty cute. although i wish it didn't cost money...


amazing, hope to see multi-monitor support soon 😸


am i able to get it to my second monitor ?

Is there a way to get notifications when this updates? Also, it's weird that it says "updated 5 days ago" and "published 30 days ago". It's still on v1.01 though.

Excited to see some nice things from here.


Will there be transparency support for streamers?


omg please release a mac version i want this so bad i will pay so much money for it

Mac support is now planned!

finnaly samperson is back

I'm really enjoying your work! Do you have any plans to release a new update soon?


I think so

I haven't had the chance yet, but there are updates planned!

i need this in my life but i cant buy games on itch :( cuz of countriesss


Cute, but I think it should be at a lower price.


oh and i ukranian and 3 dollars is = 10100101101010100110011001010101010101010100101010101010110100110011... 121,71 UAH! my parents don't give me so much for just an app! oh and can i refund?


Bro, I'll just buy it for you. Can you gift items on Itch.io?

(1 edit)

Certainly! On itch.io, you can now purchase games as gifts for others. When buying a game, simply check the “Give this game as a gift” checkbox during the purchase process. After payment, you’ll be taken to the gifting page where you can enter the recipient’s email address and optionally include your name and a message. Enjoy sharing games with others! 🎁 Its AI print this!


make free because i want it but i 10 years old in 6 class and have no money D:


i only have 2 doll hairs D: help

omg bes trailer


how can i buy it in Russia


did you know?

the cat paw is not completely symmetry ! it was rotated just like the mouse. for about 15 degree to the right

no need to thank me for ruining your day


You Didn't Ruin My Day I Liked That Fact


Can't say I'll be using this all the time, but it was well worth the purchase.


make this free or else


not everything on itch.io is free, paying money helps developers to continue creating more projects.


If you want to reset everything to factory settings, go to C:\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\SampersonLabs\Programs\CatPawCursor2024 and delete this folder

(1 edit) (+6)

Just use:


Then you don't have to mess around with different user profile locations.  %appdata% will jump right to the signed-in user's Roaming Appdata folder.  Follow me for more Windows Tips or something 🤣




windows gives me an unsafe error whenever i try to install... does anyone know how to fix this? even when i try running as an administrator it gives the same thing. (i know nothing about coding or technology, apologies if i just did something wrong.)


;; i'm also having this same issue and i've tried redownloading it, and now it just tells me access denied. :') aaaaa


possible idea for customisable yarn balls/items and fur pattern presets?


here are  my suggestions for an update
-make the arm be behind the task bar so when something is full screen it isnt floating weirdly

-make the mouse movable/ smaller

-make it able to move where the cursor is, like, you could customize it to click on the paw or in the center of the top of the paw by however someone would like to

-multiscreen support, or atleast for it to be able to chooose which monitor to use

sorry if my suggestions are bad i really like this app


any plans on supporting Linux?

(1 edit) (+1)

please, add ability to move "mouse" menu from center position, also show tooltips on hover as it's not clear what some of them do. color change needs some explanation on how it works as result color is quite inconsistent, having palette would be great addition too.

overall great app :D

(1 edit)

hello i love this app but the cat cursor doesn't extend to my other displays is there any way you can fix this?


Is it possible to customize the look of the paw beyond color? Like shape, multiple colors, etc. I would like to know this purely for evil custom mischief purposes


and hope this software can be capture on OBS :D

can I change the color somewhere in the file? where is the color setting stored? in this file all values are constant and never change


Can't change color its just black

mreow idearpp

This is incredible! This makes using the computer 100x more fun.

Lmao this is definitely my fav teaching tool XD

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