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Also when i try to draw on my second monitor the drawings come up on my main monitor.


Opens on my main monitor, is there a way to open it on my second? Or Both.

very cool! what if there were a popup for a customizable palette tho



(Dude what if i draw a goose and seduce the Nameless goose? Then he would stop grabbing my mouse, i am a genius!)


can I move the overlay that changes the colors?


Undo function would be wonderful. 


How do you mute the sound, program is great but sound makes my ears bleed.


Isn’t that the point?


No? This is MS Paint 2- I mean desktop PAINTER not a sound type thing

You can go into the sound mixer and mute it. If it doesn't show up in the mixer, try opening it in the settings menu, and scribbling a bit.


how do u quit it?


You don’t

put your mows on bottom right and clik qwit


all this needs.... is a battle mode, for example draw a painted masterpiece and make it battle another one, you choose its stats, and when a painting hurts another drawing it will break!

Yes, I full-heartedly agree!

is there a way to mute the drawing sound

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it does work but is there a way to save the work

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no wonder you cant make a video about this one since it draws everywhere

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It won't work

It does you just need to press ctrl and left click

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I found that out last year.

How do you undo it :( i drawed on my desktop and cant undo it help is there a way to undo it?

Hey there! There *is* a way to undo it! Simply move your mouse to the bottom right of your screen, and you will find the options menu!!!

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Yes, move your mouse to the action center and a thing shoud come up and press "Clear"

f for the computer


Would be cool if this was made compatible with Desktop Goose. Like, the goose could swim in blue paint like water and other colors would act as walls.

It is possible just use imigration!

Steps to do it

1. search for portal mod for goose

2.activate goose and use mod

3. open painter 

4. make a loop for goos and draw a swim place like this



Here is a example

write this shit down bro


Is there a way to erase? other wise this is perfect


i freaking love this app :D

its very creative and fun!

somethings i would like to see in the future:

  1. undo button
  2. when the program is running dont allow another one to run, because things get weird when you have two Desktop Painters running at the same time
  3. custom colors!
  4. a text that tells you how thick the brush size is
  5. when Ctrl is held down add a small circle around the cursor to help show where you are painting