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This is a lovely little program! I'd love see more customization in the future, like being able to apply a different colour to the paw part and the limb itself, and maybe patterns like stripes and spots 😺💜

imagine trying to do literally fucking anything with this except drawing

Replied to this post with it


i am so fucking poor


fitgirl repack save me


when linux version


i swear to god trying to buy something on in russia is a whole journey (it was worth it mrrp rmewop meow)


This is the best 1.97 usd i spent



it doesn't work like that and who knows what would happen if someone were to, maybe SamPerson will take matters into his own hands.


i cant even download this dawg even if it is cool


b  e f fy d ie


i need this but i cannot get my card to work to pay for this 😭😭😭


Will this ever be able to show over top of fullscreen applications


Linux support please, I need this in my life :3


would anybody be willing to gift me this wonderful creation? I loved Desktop goose by the way, thanks for making that free

(2 edits) (-7)

can someone please gift me it I’ve got no money and I really want it  and would appreciate it if anyone did it for me and if anyone would like to gift it to me reply and I’ll get back to you at a time that I’m available 

Deleted 222 days ago
Deleted 222 days ago
Deleted 222 days ago
Deleted 222 days ago
Deleted 222 days ago

Happy customer here. Hoping you add more functions to this program.


if it had multiple monitor support this would be even more peak



happy customer right here (using it right now) I actually love this so much I love the part with the yarn and how you're able to grab it throw it around it's just so cool and cute don't really got much else to say but if you can buy it please buy it it's so worth it but I understand if you can't buy it but yeah no this is great after like how long has it been? like four years since you've last made something? that last something was desktop meadows which I hope you do bring back plzz but yeah no it's been a while and it's worth the wait

Tho the color picking is a bit... off. (for context I used the color picker on this page and it made it green instead of pink)

would be nice to move or hide the mouse button at the bottom, otherwise happy purchaser, nice fun tool 

used it for 2 minutes total as of now; 2 minutes and 2 dollars well spent 


I will pay for a linux version!







i just might have something cooking for you....


(1 edit) (+4)

Hey! just wondering if linux support is planned, thanks!


is this feature still being worked on or was it replaced by the size change button?


happy purchaser here
would it be possible for you to make the colour of the paw print customisable?

(1 edit)

it currently is for me, the button with the color palette is an eyedropper tool, you click on a color and it changes the cursor to that color.

yes, that changes the colour of the paw itself. i was asking about the paw print image that shows up when you hold down mouse click for a second. it's always the same shade of pink, and i was asking if samperson was able to make it recolourable in the future

oh ;-;

Good idea 👍 

what does the first option in the menu?

(1 edit) (+5)(-9)

but can you make it free now?


how do you not have 2 dollars


dis my fave cursor,,, tho ples giv option ta hide da mouse on the bottom,,,, thank u


this looks great but i'm poor


it's pretty cute. although i wish it didn't cost money...


amazing, hope to see multi-monitor support soon 😸


am i able to get it to my second monitor ?

Is there a way to get notifications when this updates? Also, it's weird that it says "updated 5 days ago" and "published 30 days ago". It's still on v1.01 though.

Excited to see some nice things from here.


Will there be transparency support for streamers?

cat streamer


omg please release a mac version i want this so bad i will pay so much money for it


Mac support is now planned!

finnaly samperson is back

I'm really enjoying your work! Do you have any plans to release a new update soon?


I think so

I haven't had the chance yet, but there are updates planned!

i need this in my life but i cant buy games on itch :( cuz of countriesss


Cute, but I think it should be at a lower price.

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