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Still adore this!!!



(1 edit) (+4)

I absolutely love this! It's so adorable and I admire how more alive it makes my computer feel. I adore the mail I get and it always brightens my day whenever I see the little mail bird fly down and bring me another wonderful message from someone. I give this a five star rating. I do have a few questions and maybe suggestions for future updates.

1. Is there a way to write longer letters? It feels like some bug or something that's preventing me from writing more. I want to be able to write more but idk what to do about it. Is there a file or option I have to change? I am not sure what's happening with it. If someone could help me with this I would be much obliged.

2. I saw someone commented something about adding trees and I loved that idea. Is that possible to add more plants and such? Maybe extending across the entire taskbar or something?

3. More ideas for plants and birds: Herons, trees, vines that go up the side of your computer or up the background, parrots, geese, maybe flocks of birds that go across your background in migration flocks, cranes, hummingbirds, horsetails (idk I just really like horsetails for some reason).

4. Maybe an option to be able to plant and water certain plants and seeds. Like having a specific garden that fits your likes. Maybe you can even choose to send plants or seeds along with your letters to give others new varieties. Or maybe be able to pick flowers and send them with the letters.

5. Background nature music would be awesome! It probably wouldn't be on automatically but there could be an option to put on background music while doing work or something. Like chirping birds or rainfall. And the music could have effects on the garden itself. Like chirping birds would have more birds appearing, or rainfall would have rain weather.

6. Someone asked about adding an option to save certain letters to read later. I really like that idea! I love some of the messages I receive and would love to look back through them.

7. Weird suggestion but maybe a way to dress up your mail bird? Idk but I think it would be adorable seeing the bird in a sombrero. Stupid idea but whatever.

Thank you for reading! I would love to hear about future updates and such. Have a wonderful day!


pls let mac users use i

its not possible because of the way mac works and runs programs, you cant have an open program on top of another open program


wait then how does desktop goose work?

Excuse me, I made a subreddit about this and did say I was not the creator, but if you would like me to delete or edit it i would be glad to.


Hey, do you think you could maybe make it for Apple as well? It's fine if you can't, I just kinda want it too yk-

Could you make it for android too????

This is so cute i love it. It would be nice if there was a way to save letters that you receive so that you can go back and look at them


Just saying it would we cool if you added trees or some sort of other plant that you can enable or disable somehow.

I'm sorry for putting someone's letter here but it seems that there's something wrong with the font or some other things. It just went wrong. I wish this could be fixed soon.

It's okay, but it's annoying that they keep telling me to send letters, and they don't close my computer right away. And I want you to tell me how to get rid of this app neatly. I deleted it, but it still rings.

Got a bug hit! Here's the text:

Exception caught: Cannot access a disposed object. 

Object name: 'WinFormsGameForm'.

Runtime terminating: True


I didn't want it so I deled the file and the app but it did nothing now I realize I did something wrong help :(


all the files are located by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Samperson\Desktop Meadow
if you delete that folder then it will stop, this is sadly because the uninstaller that comes with it is broken at the moment, it is however planning to be fixed soon

I think the uninstaller is still broken because I had the same issue (it also kept showing the app in the hidden icons tray even though it was deleted) but this was super helpful! It was causing weird issues when I started up my computer.

yeah, sorry, unfortunately the installer has always been slightly broken. the only way to stop it at the moment is by deleting all the files


can you say that less complexly


what do you mean thats not complex thats the file location im pretty sure theres no other way to tell you where the folder is


ok sorry but I'm sure I deleted the folder

you press on the start on windows the type close the there will b a app to close the program with out deleting it

(1 edit)

Please make this contain publisher name - 

when i try to open it, it says Exception caught:  The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex. Runtime terminating: true

how do i view the whole letter? 

If you can't view the whole letter then you can expand the window by double clicking on the white bar at the top of the letter

(1 edit)

got a glitch

cant open letters sometimes and when task bar is at its smallest the letterbox get cut off by windows. is this a glitch or a feature halp

not sure if this is your issue but:

If you can't view the whole letter then you can expand the window by double clicking on the white bar at the top of the letter

hi, thanks for your response but that didn't fix my issue. my issue is that when taskbar is set to the smallest size, the letterbox dissapears. i will attach a screenshot.


oh damn, i have never seen that problem before

it says my operating system is not supported on this game

The Meadow's only supported OS is Windows 10, unfortunately if you have any OS other than that then the program will not work


ALSO wait sorry my comuter had cap lock on





Hello, When I try to open the file it asks if I allow an app with an unknown publisher to make changes to my device. Is it safe to use???

I've used this persons stuff before and have found no issues in their past projects or this one, its probably just your PC warning you that the publisher of this file is unknown to it and therefore is unsure of what it could do, the files themselves are safe and aren't harmful to your PC or your files.

ok thanks just making sure

Deleted post

pleaseeee make one for mac

There is a glitch that I don't know what causes it. After some time of having the app open the flowers shift down and to the right. If you can find out what causes this pls fix.

(2 edits)

This is an error that can occur if a change in resolution happens, i believe that samperson is aware of this, the current fix is to simply restart it, the .exe can be found in Program Files(x86)/Samperson/Desktop Meadow

(1 edit)

Which engine was used to make this?

This was made using a custom engine made by samperson


Please, please please make one for Mac. I loved the desktop goose and still use it to this day. this looks like fun to have on!


this is an adorable app but I tried to delete it after a while but i opened my laptop after deleting it and it was back, its gone but the flowers and the mail thing is still their and its just annoying now. does anyone know what to do???

(1 edit)

Shut off your laptop?

I have a similar problem where I got rid of it but it still send me updates. I want it actually gone but I'm still getting stuff for it.

(1 edit)

*this is a copy of a reply to the parent post, i am not sure if you get notified of any replies to that so yeah..

All game file are located in Program Files(x86)/Samperson/Desktop Meadow

if you delete everything in there then it should stop asking you for updates

I am sorry that you are having a problem with it, it is fun but also comes with a few bugs, hope this helps fix your issue

(1 edit)

All game file are located in Program Files(x86)/Samperson/Desktop Meadow

if you delete everything in there then it should stop asking you for updates

I am sorry that you are having a problem with it, it is fun but also comes with a few bugs, hope this helps fix your issue


May you make a version for Mac please? When it comes out can someone tell me? Thank you :]


For anyone not knowing how to get rid of it,here's a youtube video!<3

FOR EVERYONE THAT WANTS TO DELETE IT. I do not have a way to delete it but a way to exit the program. Go to the arrow on your windows taskbar and right click the logo of meadow then click exit 

Deleted 40 days ago

you can just shut down your device and then start it back up again. thats what I did with the goose. I cant play this game because Im on a Mac :[ But thats just a suggestion 

Hey! There's an option to uninstall it

I'm gonna work on making it more clear! Thank you!

You can also quit it at any time through that lower right corner, on-the-taskbar menu!


my little meadow + mailbox shows up over fullscreen videos - how do i fix this?

You can quit the meadow while you're watching videos!

I tried to uninstall this program and it said it was successfully uninstalled. Then I rebooted and the program still started. Then I found the remaining files and deleted it.

Then I restarted the computer and I still get error messages from some part of the program stating that it couldn't find the files. Why can't I uninstall this program? Please advise. This is very annoying.

(1 edit)

The uninstaller is super weird and I need to replace it. There's a new uninstall option in the Meadow menu in your taskbar!


i cant unistall it :D HELP! My brother's gonna kill me

(1 edit)

There's a new uninstall option in the system tray menu in your taskbar!


will this be available for mac? also is there cross-functionality with desktop goose? that would be cool


I tried to uninstall it, but it's still there. I straight up deleted the files, but it's still there. There isn't even the icon in the bottom left to quit. I've seen other people having this issue, and it's incredibly annoying. I have no idea how to get rid of this.

Have you tried using Revo Uninstaller?


why do u want to uninstall it anyway it is so cool

Deleted 3 years ago

ok soz it was  a joke anyway (sorry)


um, rude.

(1 edit)

It's still uninstallable, the menu icon that has the uninstall help menu is in the bottom right. It's in the popup when you install and update the meadow. Will be in your system tray in your taskbar!


Hello there!

I NEED SOME HELP over here!

I tried to uninstall a lot of times and it is not working. The flowers, birds and mailbox are still in my screen.

Unfortunately, I can't play my games with desktop meadow running in my computer, it blocks the mini map in games like League of Legends, so that's why I tried to uninstall.

Please tell me how to delete this!

I can't tell you how to uninstall it but you can quit Desktop Meadow by right clicking the little icon in the bottom right of your desktop <3

there is no icon on the bottom right corner, im scared, is this a virus, ive deleted and cyber scrubbed all filed linked to the app and the flowers and stuff are still here!!

please help!

The uninstaller I used was terrible and I should have just made my own. There's a new uninstalling help menu in the menu in your taskbar. If you don't see it, click the 'up' arrow in the bottom right! You can always get help in the Discord, and there's youtube videos about it!

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