this looks awesome but ive read comments about this being like impossible to uninstal.. once im sure i want this app and not being able to uninstall wont matter for me i will download tho :3
Oooook, if someone else is having the same problem, the thing is that the app is not installing it properly, so just download from the web site in your browser and eveyrthing will work.
And Samperson... your app is amazing! Loved the idea of bird-mail and kind letters! (* u *)
This was really fun for a few days, but I decided to uninstall it. Uninstalling did not shut it down. I rebooted after uninstalling and it was still in my startup folder plus, after uninstalling, I got a query if I wanted to start it. How do I get it remove it from my system completely?
Thanks Samperson, I DID uninstall it in the standard Windows 10 programs uninstall process. It's gone from my list of installed programs. And it's not running now, but it STILL SHOWS UP as a program in my "Startup" programs folder. I can turn it on or off in there even though I uninstalled it via Windows.
You may have still had it running when uninstalling it. Worst case scenario, you can just quit the program, go to whatever folder you installed it in (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Samperson\Desktop Meadow) and delete it :)
It's not a virus, I just don't have a code-signing certificate yet. It's easy to uninstall. Just go to the 'uninstall a program' menu in Windows, and uninstall it after quitting it.
There's also an 'uninstall' executable in the folder you install it into.
If you still can't get rid of it after looking at all of these, there's something up on your end and you can hop into my Discord in #meadow-support to get some help!
It's wonderful and the only complaint I have is that I would like the flowers the be changeable (in the files) and that the birds would be interactable, but except for that it's the best app that I ever saw
Lemme just say one thing, it needs improvement. Like for an example: 1)Add more sprites, 2)Fix more bugs, 3)Make it accessible to any window (Mac OS, Linux, Windows 7+, etc)
This is such a great application and I want to leave it on all the time. There are only a few bugs. Sometimes the meadow shows up in the middle of a window and not on top which can cover up stuff. Right now the application activates but nothing shows up and I'm not sure why. My antivirus thinks this is malware so I had to create an exception for it. This is a beautiful application and I hope to see this grow just like my new window garden.
I tried to install it but it shows up for about two seconds before disappearing and then I try to open it again and it says that theres a missing shortcut or something and it gives me the option to fix or delete it and when I choose fix, nothing happens. :(
It isn't dangerous, its just that since it's an unknown file, windows (or whatever computer you're using) does not recognize it so their first impression is to block it, but i can ensure you that ive downloaded it for awhile now and nothing has happened ^^
All works. Just sent my first letter. Sadly, you can't write much in them. However I still love it. I can't wait to see more from you. Keep up the good work. ^^
I love my meadow and I love seeing all the different notes people can leave. However, there are always some things that can be tweaked. Character limit is definitely up there. I keep getting stuck writing notes and running out of characters to write them in. Maybe you're able to write up to the whole page and that is your limit? (I keep seeing other's messages and they seem longer than I'm able to write up to, is this just a me problem?) Another change I'd like is a config file. Or an interface for the wrench at the bottom left where some settings can be. Some settings might include where meadows are allowed to grow: taskbar (which is a change I hope happens. I want to see the taskbar get a garden), windows, and apps that make their own windows. That last one might be too hard. Another update might be different types of notes, letters (like we already have), addressed letters where we choose who it goes to, and maybe some other variations. A change that needs to happen is the fact that some images and animations clash with others and create a cutoff. Maybe the backgrounds for all entities can be transparent to each other instead? Another change that'd be cool is for the bird that gets the note, would actually carry the note onto the screen rather than it just appearing. Maybe he's struggling and sweat is dropping from him? I don't know. Another thing, maybe we can save the letters? I'd love to save the letters I get so I can read them again.
I don't want to bog down this comment with all the ways it should change, so I'm going no further.... I just see ways it can improve beyond its release. I just see the potential it has because it is already really good. Now, this comment is just constructive criticism and to be taken as a suggestion, not a demand. I do love all that you've been doing with the desktop series and I can't wait to see what's next. Thanks for making this content!
P.S. Maybe some small trees, owls, deer, fish, water (pond), frogs, bugs, some land animals running across the taskbar, tracking the time on the pc so there's different shades of color, different animals at different times of the day, ambient audio, more interaction with the animals (or just birds), more flowers? Lot's to think about.
I dowloaded it but had to uninstall because when I turned my computer on and off it just stopped working. So I re downloaded it and it says its open but there are no flowers or postbox or any sort of menu in the bottom left what do I do?
I had it working but now when I troubleshoot it says that its incompatible ( I'm also on Windows 10 )
I have a chromebook, gave a contribution and when I downloaded it again and again including the alternative downlading feature,..nothing happened! I really want this to work, does anyone have any suggestions? if not, then in these difficult times I need the money back :(
← Return to dream garden
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It's easy to uninstall, friend. Just go to the 'uninstall a program' menu in Windows, and uninstall it.
I'm adding more in the new update to make it even easier to uninstall.
when's the new update coming, cause if it really makes it easy I'll install it right after
this looks awesome but ive read comments about this being like impossible to uninstal.. once im sure i want this app and not being able to uninstall wont matter for me i will download tho :3
It's easy to uninstall, friend. Just quit the app, go to the 'uninstall a program' menu in Windows, and uninstall it.
I have a question, I scanned this one and it has viruses, is it worth to download? Are these viruses not dangerous? I will not trust it a bit
It's not a virus, I just don't have a code-signing certificate yet
Well, every time I try to download it, it installs but says there's nothing to launch '-
Oooook, if someone else is having the same problem, the thing is that the app is not installing it properly, so just download from the web site in your browser and eveyrthing will work.
And Samperson... your app is amazing! Loved the idea of bird-mail and kind letters! (* u *)
This was really fun for a few days, but I decided to uninstall it. Uninstalling did not shut it down. I rebooted after uninstalling and it was still in my startup folder plus, after uninstalling, I got a query if I wanted to start it. How do I get it remove it from my system completely?
Quit the program, then go to the 'uninstall a program' menu in Windows, and uninstall it.
Thanks Samperson, I DID uninstall it in the standard Windows 10 programs uninstall process. It's gone from my list of installed programs. And it's not running now, but it STILL SHOWS UP as a program in my "Startup" programs folder. I can turn it on or off in there even though I uninstalled it via Windows.
You may have still had it running when uninstalling it. Worst case scenario, you can just quit the program, go to whatever folder you installed it in (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Samperson\Desktop Meadow) and delete it :)
It's not a virus, I just don't have a code-signing certificate yet
is their a way to keep it but deactivate it for a while
I don't have it, cause I have mac, but if you can click on the app to launch it again, there may be a menu, like desktop goose. Try it.
What a cool app love it and love you
hi! does anyone know how frequently the messages will deliver? Is it per hour or is it completely random?
Can you make this for Mac? I really want my computer to be more alive.
me dice que ya esta ejecutado y no me aparece nada...
al final apague y prendí la compu y funciono .-. no se porque
Good for an afternoon, unable to uninstall it after multiple attempts. do not install
All untrue.
It's not a virus, I just don't have a code-signing certificate yet.
It's easy to uninstall. Just go to the 'uninstall a program' menu in Windows, and uninstall it after quitting it.
There's also an 'uninstall' executable in the folder you install it into.
If you still can't get rid of it after looking at all of these, there's something up on your end and you can hop into my Discord in #meadow-support to get some help!
It's wonderful and the only complaint I have is that I would like the flowers the be changeable (in the files) and that the birds would be interactable, but except for that it's the best app that I ever saw
It's very awesome, but could you maybe add an option to scale it up? I have a full 4K Display and all the plants are extremely tiny.
ITS SO CUTE AAAAA my desktop looks so alive now, especially when I add in my desktop pets aww, great app!
What desktop pets do you have? I have ladybug and I want more!
Lemme just say one thing, it needs improvement.
Like for an example:
1)Add more sprites,
2)Fix more bugs,
3)Make it accessible to any window (Mac OS, Linux, Windows 7+, etc)
Wow. This is the most unhelpful feedback I have seen in a *very* long time.
1) When you say "add more sprites" please be more specific.
2) Please tell us more about what bugs need to be fixed.
3) Porting to other operating systems is very difficult, especially with an application with complex. Be patient.
Desktop Meadow BUG | Needs Fixing
This is such a great application and I want to leave it on all the time. There are only a few bugs. Sometimes the meadow shows up in the middle of a window and not on top which can cover up stuff. Right now the application activates but nothing shows up and I'm not sure why. My antivirus thinks this is malware so I had to create an exception for it. This is a beautiful application and I hope to see this grow just like my new window garden.
The birds are so cute and I loved how they fly off screen to get the letters and deliver them.
Mac version please, It looks so good!!!
When someone replies, do they come from the same country or do they come from around the world? Just curious
i think all around the world, i mean, this is an american website and im not in america
the messages come from around the world! ive known some people sending messages from another country aside from my own
it would be cool if flowers could be on the bottom panel, just like settings or mail. very nice app : )
Hahaha, you try porting a complex windowless application built for Windows 10 to an OS literally based on a internet browser.
To the person that said that im 20 percent more attractive than i what i think i look like and to the developer. Thank you
I tried to install it but it shows up for about two seconds before disappearing and then I try to open it again and it says that theres a missing shortcut or something and it gives me the option to fix or delete it and when I choose fix, nothing happens. :(
Is there a character limit on the letters?
Wont let me download it google think's it a "Virus" "Dangerous" Can somebody please help!
there is an option to download it anyway, even if its dangerous
It isn't dangerous, its just that since it's an unknown file, windows (or whatever computer you're using) does not recognize it so their first impression is to block it, but i can ensure you that ive downloaded it for awhile now and nothing has happened ^^
Dont bother bitches
stop being so toxic its a nice and wholesome product, dont tarnish it
on the google download page click the download button on the top right and it just skips the check and lets you download it normally
All works. Just sent my first letter. Sadly, you can't write much in them. However I still love it. I can't wait to see more from you. Keep up the good work. ^^
I love my meadow and I love seeing all the different notes people can leave. However, there are always some things that can be tweaked. Character limit is definitely up there. I keep getting stuck writing notes and running out of characters to write them in. Maybe you're able to write up to the whole page and that is your limit? (I keep seeing other's messages and they seem longer than I'm able to write up to, is this just a me problem?) Another change I'd like is a config file. Or an interface for the wrench at the bottom left where some settings can be. Some settings might include where meadows are allowed to grow: taskbar (which is a change I hope happens. I want to see the taskbar get a garden), windows, and apps that make their own windows. That last one might be too hard. Another update might be different types of notes, letters (like we already have), addressed letters where we choose who it goes to, and maybe some other variations. A change that needs to happen is the fact that some images and animations clash with others and create a cutoff. Maybe the backgrounds for all entities can be transparent to each other instead? Another change that'd be cool is for the bird that gets the note, would actually carry the note onto the screen rather than it just appearing. Maybe he's struggling and sweat is dropping from him? I don't know. Another thing, maybe we can save the letters? I'd love to save the letters I get so I can read them again.
I don't want to bog down this comment with all the ways it should change, so I'm going no further.... I just see ways it can improve beyond its release. I just see the potential it has because it is already really good. Now, this comment is just constructive criticism and to be taken as a suggestion, not a demand. I do love all that you've been doing with the desktop series and I can't wait to see what's next. Thanks for making this content!
P.S. Maybe some small trees, owls, deer, fish, water (pond), frogs, bugs, some land animals running across the taskbar, tracking the time on the pc so there's different shades of color, different animals at different times of the day, ambient audio, more interaction with the animals (or just birds), more flowers? Lot's to think about.
10/10 this is so cute I love it
The file doesn't have an executable when I download it
I dowloaded it but had to uninstall because when I turned my computer on and off it just stopped working. So I re downloaded it and it says its open but there are no flowers or postbox or any sort of menu in the bottom left what do I do?
I had it working but now when I troubleshoot it says that its incompatible ( I'm also on Windows 10 )
this is my worry too :( I dont know what to do next
it doesn't work and it says it's not connecting, Am i doing something wrong?
how long does it take to get new letters from other meadows?
I'm getting an operating system not supported. I'm on Windows 8.1 - is this only Windows 10?
I have a chromebook, gave a contribution and when I downloaded it again and again including the alternative downlading feature,..nothing happened! I really want this to work, does anyone have any suggestions? if not, then in these difficult times I need the money back :(
I think it's because of the operating system you're using, the software is meant for windows and chromebooks run ChromeOS
:( That is too bad, I will wait patiently until its update for Chrome OS then, Thanks for the reply