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I love this SOOOOO much. When will you be making v0.3 available for macs?

I Turned my goose into the demon it truly is


how did you do that? plz tell me i want to do it too

On the menu there is a custom colors setting. I played around with the colors until I found ones that I liked then you check off use my custom colors.



THIS IS AMAZING!!! But it can get boring after awhile. To make this goose better he should be annoying by rubbing the mouse on him and that makes him run away from the mouse. Or at night time the goose falls a sleep and you can wake him up by annoying him. Or make him fly. make the goose lay an egg. There is so much room for improvement. Please do one of these ideas.  The goose is AMAZING. 


This is a meme: Duck, Duck, GOOSE!!!


please let me download this on chromebook. ive never wanted something so bad before. s a d h o n k

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.


Lol I downloaded this and airdropped it to some people and now my entire year and some younger kids have it because it was dope 10/10

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I cant install my goose I install it but I never see it and nothing happens. could somebody help?

Run the .exe

Open the . zip and extract

Run goose.exe


My goose is a good goose. His name is Loco. He is a clever goose. He leaves baby footprints on my screen and leaves me notes and memes. Loco is a mega goose.


feed goose, goose edit element on webs, also destroy facebook

this meme is good ya

what engine do u made in


just pure c#


The discord link is invalid

How do I make Him go away After Playtime?

Press escape key for 10 - 15 seconds or 

Open command prompt and type in
taskkill /f /im goosedesktop.exe /t

i read the txt file.

very interesting-

(1 edit) (+1)(-5)

tip... read the Read me! Honk.txt file. And don't act like a dumb ass in the comments

Also samperson please turn this into a Trojan horse or a computer worm. That would be very good, and it would please the hjonk.


no, i dont think he will ever do that.


(2 edits) (+1)

dude what if you add  a  health bar  to the  goose   for like some action

example: if the goose  got yuor mouse  youcan  click to atackk him

and  Prees R  to activaide the health  bar  T  for options for the health bar


There is a mod that does something similar to that called sizzurpmods.

yea I know but optons did had that hm?

Show post...

Please Android version



that not how that works. you cant just have a clear overlay of a goose on top of phone screen. Imagine having a phone that used a desktop. it wouldn't work. The surface can but only when its not in tablet mode

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Ok or just make a copy of Clippy(Google play)?


Will this ever be for phones?


How rare is to having rainbow goose???

(1 edit) (+3)

Not rare at all, It's just a mod you enable.

Great concept.  

Found an interesting bug maybe.  When holding the escape to close the goose when it attacks your mouse before it closes it does freeze.  Doesn't happen every time though and doesn't stop you from using the mouse.  Just an interesting happenstance.  

this would be good for some kids like me

Deleted 216 days ago


how do I get him to bring different memes on Mac

Deleted 216 days ago



Chromebooks need this

y e s .

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.



That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.






when I got this, I literally yelled: HJONK HJONK AM GOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hjonk hjonk am goose




can ANYONE tell me how to remove it from apple laptop!!!1


Use the close goose application (Automator) or open terminal and use the command killall "Desktop Goose"


can someone help me get it off my computer I have an apple laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deleted 216 days ago

didnt  work


killall "Desktop Goose"

In the terminal


is it a virus? can i get it off?



click "Quit Goose"




No it's not a virus. Yes you can delete it.


Viruses DAMAGE your computer





can you please make on for chromebook, I really really want it and it hurts to not have it so please, make one of the best games i've ever seen on chromebook.

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.

oh. ok thanks for the advice

-The Bitch That Tried It




This is a lot of fun

Escape from Сache 


It isn't evil enough, i don't think its possible because it is a overlay but it would be amazing if it could grab your files and close tabs. even if it grabbed on your mouse and made you click and drag that would be awesome.

there's a clicker mod

(1 edit) (+2)

I liked! It's fun to see how a goose chases its cursor and brings files from the corner all day, and I also love the option to customize images or text files. I hope this continues to update and
Add more actions, with all my support, I love this!

Deletes files?

No, sorry spelling error

Can you change how the goose looks? More specifically, is there a file that determines how the goose looks?

No, the goose is made using shapes in the code

Does it walk over tabs such as chrome?


how to delete goose from my deskop

(1 edit)

Hold ESC or click on "close the goose"

if u find it reply to me

Hey you can also try this

Open command prompt and type in
taskkill /f /im goosedesktop.exe /t

Hope that helps

ok thhanks

ok thhanks


njewiem jak ja włoączyc ;c

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