I downloaded this on my macbook air and the app stopped responding and took up SO much space on my computer. Now it stopped completely. Partially my fault because I deleted files on accident, but now theres a goose standing in the middle of my screen and a transparent box underneath said goose. I'm very upset right now.
this is just suggestion but i think it would be cool tp play hide and seek with the goose and i hide the mouse and the goose tries to find it and the goose could hide in like a folder or something lol!
Can I make a suggestion :000? What about adding a feature that makes him dizzy if you spin him around when he's chasing your mouse?? I feel like that would be a cool and cute feature!
you should make it where the goose in flat like a puddle when you open up your laptop, like he was crushed. then have him just jump up and go back into shape
You need to press CNTRL SHIFT and ESC, then look for "DesktopGoose", after this you just need to click it and press in "finish process". Then you must remember where you've put the file of the Desktop Goose. So you delete it. If you has no autorization to delete cause DG wasn't wanting you to delete it, just let it there, and ignore it
Googled it and Im pretty sure that yes, chromebook is linux. (Hope this works out so I can have it on my school computer because they blocked all extensions in the webstore)
← Return to goose-sperience
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I hate it 10/10
how pls tell me
There is a "no thanks" button
dont have to
yo lo instalé, borré la carpeta y el ganso sigue en el escritorio, no se como borrarlooo
solo manten la tecla esc hasta que se desaparezca
Modifying the config file does not change anything.
구성 파일을 수정해도 아무런 변화가 없습니다.
Did u restart the goose?
question, why cant i download it?
VirtualBox started, goose installed... fell in love instant <3 Thank you
wont activate for some reason :(
Sometimes when the goose takes my mouse in the Mac version they won’t let go and holding esc does nothing either
The Mac version of the goose WILL never let go
This is not a problem in version 0.3 (windows only)
to get rid of it on mac, u have to double click the goose in the folder that activates it an then select get rid of goose
can i turn it off?
Yes. Hold ESC.
Can you add a feature where the goose brings out a mud bucket and just covers a part of the screen?
yes! that would be so useful to troll your friends!
I downloaded this on my macbook air and the app stopped responding and took up SO much space on my computer. Now it stopped completely. Partially my fault because I deleted files on accident, but now theres a goose standing in the middle of my screen and a transparent box underneath said goose. I'm very upset right now.
mac has bug, mouse always can not stop!!!
i can not control my mouse!!!
你用的是中文系统吧, 用户名有中文也不行
How do I start it? It's not downloading, I think? It's just not appearing on my computer ;-;
You have to go into the Desktop Goose folder and run the exe. In order to turn the goose back off, just hold escape.
I did it, but it didn't work, what should I do?
are u on mac or windows?
look on downloads
this is just suggestion but i think it would be cool tp play hide and seek with the goose and i hide the mouse and the goose tries to find it and the goose could hide in like a folder or something lol!
Can I make a suggestion :000? What about adding a feature that makes him dizzy if you spin him around when he's chasing your mouse?? I feel like that would be a cool and cute feature!
Yes, I agree!
you should make it where the goose in flat like a puddle when you open up your laptop, like he was crushed. then have him just jump up and go back into shape
good suggestion but maybe not in a puddle
cool suggestion!
I hope this will someday come on the app store so i can have a goose waddling around on my phone screan
How do you activate it? I downloaded it, but it doesn't work.
For Windows:
1. Run DesktopGoose v0.3 Extractor.exe
2. Extract to your desktop
3. On your desktop, open the folder DesktopGoose v0.3 and run GooseDesktop.exe
Ok! Thanks!
Why can't I download it because of the Internet.
restart to delete I think that’s how to delete
no, you hold ESC then it will close
then you just delete the files
that works to
How do I delete this!!!how do i delete
You need to press CNTRL SHIFT and ESC, then look for "DesktopGoose", after this you just need to click it and press in "finish process". Then you must remember where you've put the file of the Desktop Goose. So you delete it. If you has no autorization to delete cause DG wasn't wanting you to delete it, just let it there, and ignore it
thank you i needed to know how to delete it
it's not working, there's no force quit app include desktop goose
Hi!! Is it possible to make the game avavailable for crome devices? Thanks :)
That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.
I watched Call Me Kevin use this on one of his videos and it was absolutely hilarious!
Big Poppa Goose is your hookup! Honk if you hear me!
honk honk!
eh yp it doenst work
multimonitor support?
Can I change the language to Chinese?
然后找一下“No thanks, just take me to the downloads”
make one for chromebooks :<
That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.
Googled it and Im pretty sure that yes, chromebook is linux. (Hope this works out so I can have it on my school computer because they blocked all extensions in the webstore)
Yes, Chromebook is Linux, but Linux is not Chromebook.
linux absolutley SUCKS! i hate it
Linux is the best thing in the world.
Was I speaking German?
Habe ich Deutsch gesprochen?
Linux IS the best thing in the world
Almost all servers (google YouTube Twitter Facebook) are run on linux
so? all computers have that
It's the No.3 operating system
So u hate Google and YouTube and itch and microsoft
no i dont, but linux in my school sucks, you cant play mp3 or mp4 files so i cant really do any work
I'm so happy about this goose, I literally spent over 5 minutes just saying goose and giggling
same lma o
please make available for Chromebooks.
is there a possible way to make the goose go away? then you can spawn it back?
I'm pretty sure if you click it and hold escape it will say 'Evicting goose...' and holding it will remove it. Restarting computer also works.
yes, u are corect