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pls chromebook support

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Hey, I thought I'd give some input on my experience now. I downloaded it and tried it when I kept a lot less tabs on my account - I doubt I knew I even had an open account at the time to leave my input. So a lot of this is from memory, but I'll share all the same.

I was excited to come across this, honestly. Reminded me a lot of the shimeji that I collected from deviantArt and loved to watch roam around my desktop while I was in high school - just keep it on for a long time and see how overrun it could get. And for the most part, I got that experience again with the goose and it was very in-character, I dare say.

But I came across the same crashing issues that Pawa reported, though I'm not sure if the triggers were the same. I'm not sure if the notepad elements were involved, but if I were to have the goose active for any substantial amount of time, it would eventually crash like that. Well, I say eventually, but I think it took like 10 mins tops.

Would recommend that ever got fixed.

can you help me I downloaded the goose file but nothing happened please help I want the goose :

  1. go into your downloads and find the file extractor titled desktop goose v0.3 extractor
  2. put the file in a place you can remember
  3. launch the extractor it will download all the files and put it into a folder
  4. open up the folder and you will find a application titled desktop goose 
  5. if you are done with the goose there is another app called close goose it will open up the console and get rid of it until you re-launch the app

Fresh was not fond of quackers

Um I downloaded the goose but I have yet to see it come, I don't know what to because I've already downloaded it so if you have any answers please tell me.

  1. go into your downloads and find the file extractor titled desktop goose v0.3 extractor
  2. put the file in a place you can remember
  3. launch the extractor it will download all the files and put it into a folder
  4. open up the folder and you will find a application titled desktop goose 
  5. if you are done with the goose there is another app called close goose it will open up the console and get rid of it until you re-launch the app

Hi samperson! I have a dual computer setup, and my goose keeps on wandering out of my screen, or just disapearing. Can you please make it work for dual setups? Thanks!


hello, if anyone is seeing this I really need help deleting the goose, I have a MacBook Air and am freaking out because I want it to go away but I have no clue how to get  it to. I've been trying to figure it out for about a month and a half and still can't. its getting very annoying so if anyone knows how to get it off my type of computer that would be helpful.


Open Finder, then look for the desktop goose file. There might be multiple, so delete all of them.

lol right click with 2 fingers then delete


If you just want to turn it off without deleting it (delete it by simply deleting the folder) then hold esc and look in the top left for a bar and keep holding it once it fills up the goose will be gone or look in the folder for a thing that says close goose then use that to remove it.

How do i change the settings of the goose? I've accessed the page before, but I forgot how.

go where the gooses' files are, and edit the contents of settings.ini


it works guys all u have to do is go to down loads and u are good it will say desktop goose and open it and press the goose and then u good

I do all the "No" "yes" "yes to all" "no to all" and "auto rename" and none of it FREAKING WORKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT JUST DISSAPEARS FROM MY EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

it works

just go to downloads


it doesnt workkkkkkkkkkk 


The game crash when I tried to close a notepad, I create other desktop so, wasn't a problem but, still a bug

seriously, he's got my mouse again

is good

it doesnt extract it says extract and i click it and it wants me to answer something about the file destination and the options say Yes, No, Yes to all, No to all and auto rename, i clicked all of them and they didnt work


yea same its so anonyinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh


How do i get it off?


hold escape


if you dont know what i sade then go to the read me when you are about to open desktop goes

nvm. Got it

I love how you can add your own memes and notepads! although i struggled getting my own notepads to go through to my goose its overall super fun!

also is it me or is this gose looking kinda THICC












(1 edit)

how do you get it to work for mac

(1 edit)

to get the desk top goose running you have to when down loding press extrack all then once your done click the bar next to the windows icon and tipe goose and you should see it then click it and your done and now he will show you memes and steal your mouse cerser till he gets to the eg of the screen. note i left him on all night and when i woke up there was endless memes and lag. edit:it should say desk top goose 32 bit also to get rid of him go to task manger and click desktop goose 32bit then press end task wich will get rid of him and all the memes and messigis.

not running

HOW To Use!

hilarious but not downloading it cause of some important reasons

(1 edit)

I love this! The goose is so fun! I love how you can make it bring certain memes and texts. It really makes it awesome! Thank you for this wonderful and annoying (in a good way) experience. I would give this a full 10/10 stars!

Here's  fun gift thing for anyone wanting to. If you do use this I would love to know how it turns out:

First off, get the goose onto a friend's computer or something without their knowledge. Then either add to or replace the pictures with pictures of their favorite memes or places or foods ect. Then do the same with the texts, maybe saying positive messages about their work or school or whatever. It would be a wonderful gift, and slightly annoying as the goose will track mud and take the cursor sometimes. 

Anyways, thank you Sam for this wonderful goose! 


its a virus

A fun virus

ah yes a virus that can be killed on purpose

It hasn't harmed any of my stuff on my computer so it's safe in my opinion. stop being a stick in the mud.

this goose is driving me crazy but I love it so much, I still don't know how to use it but its adorable! support this guy

I found an exploit that gives you 10+ gooses at once. 

And guess what?

It crashed my desktop.

10/10 Would die again

How does one bring forth ten geese? 

(1 edit)

if ur on windows

do alt space c



i really fell for this


its not a virus its a gadget for your desktop 

and support him he spent a lot of time on this

how use


oh no you wont 

please dont support him if you wanna get it dont pay cuz this annoying f@#k made this virus

bro you can make the price zero that's why it says "name your price" lol how stupid can somebody be lmfao delete you comment oh and its not really a virus you can stop it at any time :)


stfu i know fucker


you are stupid


shut up go suck a lemon


stop, just stop. this guy worked so hard and it wasn't or you to go around saying its a virus and it will crash your computer. even if it is a virus according to THE REST OF THE 100 COMMENTS nobody had issues with this original download so stfu and stop being a rude asshole


very cute and like a virus lol





Ty for this little guy.

Can i make it so it doesnt bring pictures randomly but show them in order?

 it keeps showing me same pictures :/

(1 edit)

all you have to do is open the file explorer and browse thro the ducks files (forgot where exactly) and you can find all the pictures the duck can show in a file called meme or memes

i dont want it to show same picture until it shows all of them.

The goose brings out note-pads and pictures randomly, so what I believe this person was trying to say is if you add more pics to the file, it will decrease the chances of the same one being pulled out over and over again.


AMong us pet!!

Hold [ESC] To toggle the goose. Or go to the Task Manager and click "Goose (32bit)" and click "End Task"

For "Task Manager" Right Click on the task bar 


i downloaded it but nothing is happening, i opened the download then it said i had to extract the file, which i did. the download just disappeared and nothing happened.

I am having the same issue. I keep getting a window that says something but it disappears before i can read anything it's saying. Is there supposed t be a way you have to activate the goose or a specific place you have to put the extracted files?

same do you know how to get it to actullay show up

I have found my issue was I downloaded the wrong thing. Have you tried both ways? If you have the right version I can maybe help with anything else that's the issue.

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