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Deleted 1 year ago

it is fun


i have to do a tutorial on how to remove the goose. and it was holding ESC. i am veeery dumb

Deleted 1 year ago


best program made in the universe

on mac OS the goose has sezsherz sum time and wont do anything and i have to restart the app 


it didn't work tvt, im prolly doing something wrong but i right clicked the thing and extract is not an option so i opend it it had an extract option so i did that but nothing happened i deleted it and did the same thing 3 more times also nothing happened i really hope im doing something wrong and it can work somehow tvt


NVM! i just went to stare at my desktop since im in class and boom it appeared right there i was like HELL YA K THANKS DUDE!


Want to start off by saying that this is single headedly the greatest piece of software I've ever had,it's cute,it's simple and just fun.

Was Just wondering if anyone else was having some issues using it on multiple monitors where The Duck isn't visible on secondary monitors or memes/texts are seen on the secondary monitor before being dragged onto the main monitor

Again,Thank you so much for providing what i'm sure will be way too much fun and i hope u have an awesome day


this is an issue that the creator has chosen not to deal with, due to performance issues it can't be spread across two monitors sadly

How can i delete it from laptop or stop it?

Deleted 47 days ago

Thanks but i found out that you can  hold ESC then it stops

Deleted 47 days ago

the goose isn't installed, just extracted, it shouldn't appear in the uninstall apps program

Deleted 47 days ago
(1 edit)

Nope, the 7zip archive extracts the folder to the downloads folder by default

Oh ok



why do i have to payyyyy

you don't



no thx and HONK


It's cute, will not lie.  Just one thing , (it might even affect others) it bothers me that every time it changes direction it goes into slow motion then changes, it might be intentional but it looks like an error on the animation. 



how to get it off my pc

(1 edit)

open ur task view and close all task

yeah i got it on mac and for some reason when it attacks it wont stop so i have to restart my computer please could you fix this it is really annoying and you should and a shortcut to quit out of it

if you want to quit the goose on you're Mac then just Babel click the same goose that you turned on the you will have the desktop goose preferences shown and the bottom left corner there will be a button saying quit desktop goose

well attest that's for me don't know if it will be the same for you

(1 edit) (+1)



i using 100 gooses and now i hate my life

(4 minutes to write this, this gooses is breaking my brain)


finally i deleted this goose

Deleted 3 years ago

reset ur pc and than u will have no goose and you will can delete this program


nice I have 10 gooses and it is crazy!!!!!

not complaining just saying it awesome 

i was on mac so i can't do that :(


For all the people on pc that want to get rid of them, just hold the ESC button :)


(1 edit) (+1)

play with antivirus off (not virus) antivirus on deleting goose f ile


?????????off ?

is this a virus?

for your life, uhh yes, but this is not a REAALLY virus, relax dude

is a virus for your games?




Mine won't work. It says it's an 'extractor' file instead of a zip and it keeps asking me to extract it but then nothing happens after that, anyone know how I can fix it?

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You have to open the extractor file, Then select the location to extract it to wait for it to extract the files then ur done. Go into the file it extracted then click desktop goose!

How do I do that? Whenever I click on it it will just say 'Extract to:' and then tell me to press 'Extract' or 'Cancel then the message above will appear. If I click 'yes', the same message keeps coming up and if I click 'yes to all' it just disappears. Any ideas?

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Hmm try going to the location and deleting it then try again or click auto rename

if your on Mac and want to get it off your screen just drag the desktop icon on the screen and press hold on it then there's this box with a arrow above it press that  and once you press on it press quit desktop goose.

How do I get rid of them I by mistake clicked it 7 times now I have 7 ducks on my screen. help

Press and hold Esc


I am in love with my goose already, 

i tried to install it but it wont open it just keeps asking me to extract it

The same happened for me, it says its an 'extractor' file instead of a zip

Deleted 1 year ago

Did you figure out how to get it to work?

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You have to open the extractor file, Then select the location to extract it to wait for it to extract the files then ur done. Go into the file it extracted then click desktop goose!


this is genius. I didn't even install it yet but *clap clap clap clap clap*.


I kinda wanna install this on one of the computers at my school and see what people's reactions are lol

YES. Imma try that

Tell me how that works out lol

is it a virus or not? if it is, show proof. it it isnt show proof. im so tired-

No, its not a virus, i dont have proof but i mean it's pretty funny given it'll randomly drag up some kind of note or something (it dragged in 4 while I was typing this lol)

how did you install it

First, you install it from, then you run the extractor, select desktop for where you want to extract it to, extract it, and then click "yes to all"

It isnt, for proof, well idk but i downloaded it and its not a virus it wont steal your password


This is the single best thing i have ever seen.
Thank you so much for this.

bad I am using my iPad and my computer stoped working a month ago

big oof

how do I get rid of it? pretty pretty please I need help. I deleted the application and now I cant get it back. i. NEED. HELP. im dying here


oh I found out how!!


if u have questions u can ask me

how do you delete it

are you on Mac?

no pc

yes how do i get rid of it. i have test soon

how do i make it work?

Umm try to find the game file and double click on the game thing?

I prefer to not download it.

It will be kinda annoying :/

read through this:

help!! i accidentally made two geese but one of them died in the middle of my screen and i tried quitting the app but the dead one still wont move! what do i do?

Is it a virus or not?

Deleted 118 days ago

it is

y'all giving me mixed answers wth :sob:

Not a virus

yall asking for how to turn it off while im trying to turn it on and im failing to do so

read through this:


How do I make lil homie shut up? I fw him tho 

read through this:

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