Only do this if you are willing to mess up your Chromebook; this will not work on school Chromebooks
Setting up Linux
Make sure your Chromebook can access Linux. Go to settings-> advanced-> Developers-> Turn on Linux development environment.
Hit next a couple of times in the new popup window (don’t change any settings unless you know what you’re doing), wait for it to install.
Once it finishes, a big black console will pop up. Good. Your Chromebook isn’t destroyed yet.
Restart your Chromebook.
Open up the newly installed console, type sudo get-apt update -y, then hit enter. Wait for stuff to finish downloading/installing, then type sudo get-apt upgrade -y.
Run sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
Installing a Linux file explorer (so you can find your goose later)
Run sudo apt update -y
Run sudo apt install nautilus -y
It should be in your apps tray, under the folder “Linux Apps” or something similar.
Now you can install goose boy
Download the Desktop Goose .exe
Run winecfg
Click the graphics tab, change the “Screen Resolution” slider until it looks the best.
Go into normal Chromebook files app, and drag the DesktopGoose v0.3.exe from the Downloads folder to the Linux files folder.
Run wine 'DesktopGoose v0.3.exe' (Change ’DesktopGoose v0.3 to whatever you need the installer).
Change the extract folder to ```C:, and click extract.
Running the desktop goose
Open the Chromebook files app, go to the Linux files folder. Click on the 3-dot-menu and enable “Show Hidden Files”.
Open the .wine folder, navigate to the drive_c folder.
Find the DesktopGoose v0.3 folder, open it.
Locate GooseDesktop.exe.
Now, you need to figure out your Linux username. Open the terminal up, and and there should be some text in green. Write down the part between the dollar symbol ($) and the @penguin. Let’s say, for the following steps, the mine is yourusername.
Now type (in the console) wine "/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/DesktopGoose v0.3/GooseDesktop.exe.
If Desktop Goose opens up, great! Move on to the section called “Making a shortcut”.
If it doesn’t, see the possible following fixes:
Run startkde
Make sure the folder name is correct (if you need help, leave a reply).
Or just shoot me a reply asking for help lol
Making a shortcut
Open file manager, make sure “Show hidden files” is turned on.
Navigate to ```Linux Files-> .local-> share-> applications-> wine-> Programs.
Open the folder for Desktop Goose (Should be named something like DesktopGoose v0.3).
2 finger click the .desktop file, and click “Open with text”.
Replace the text that follows after Exec= with the complete file path (wine "/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/DesktopGoose v0.3/GooseDesktop.exe) you found earlier.
Hit ctrl-s to save, then close Text.
Now you can open up Desktop Goose from the app tray.
are there any hotkeys to like make the goose pull out a not-epad message or some meme from the memes folder or does it just pull out not-epads and memes whenever it wants
o mah godi the goose want problems he said "looking for trouble, and if i cannot find it, i will create it" oh now he said "hi, am goose honk" wait he doin' something... WAIT NO WHAT IS THAT BROWN THIN- oh it stop- HE IS DOIN' SOMETHING PLEASE STOP FILLING MY SCREE- oh wait he want to get my c- NO HE GRABBED MY CURSOR STOPPPPPPPPPPPP
i cant make him go awayt im trying everthing to delete the goose and i doing what people are saying and i already deleted the files but its not leaving.
uninstall in setting or if coms with uninstall app just use dat, or just delete files in appdata or localappdata folder or c drive and desktop, also if it is running open task maneger and end the program, damn that goose, real asshole he is
And I can imagine that based off of your name you're at least some grubby little 9 year old that originally made an account for Friday Night Funkin'
← Return to goose-sperience
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fun :
es un virus y malware
i don't think so
Only do this if you are willing to mess up your Chromebook; this will not work on school Chromebooks
Setting up Linux
sudo get-apt update -y
, then hit enter. Wait for stuff to finish downloading/installing, then typesudo get-apt upgrade -y
.Installing text
Installing a Desktop (for the goose)
* Type
sudo passwd root
, hit enter, and type your new (Linux) password.sudo apt-get install task-kde-desktop -y
and wait.cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
into the console and hit enter.startkde
in case your desktop closes or something.Installing wine (to install your goose)
* Run
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
, press enter. If it asks you to press y to confirm, type y then hit enter.wget -nc
, press enter. If it asks you to press y to confirm, type y then hit enter.sudo apt-key add winehq.key -y
.sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
Installing a Linux file explorer (so you can find your goose later)
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install nautilus -y
Now you can install goose boy
DesktopGoose v0.3.exe
from the Downloads folder to the Linux files 'DesktopGoose v0.3.exe'
(Change ’DesktopGoose v0.3 to whatever you need the installer).Running the desktop goose
folder, navigate to thedrive_c
folder.DesktopGoose v0.3
folder, open it.GooseDesktop.exe
.wine "/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/DesktopGoose v0.3/GooseDesktop.exe
Making a shortcut
with the complete file path (wine "/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/DesktopGoose v0.3/GooseDesktop.exe
) you found earlier.ctrl-s
to save, then close Text.Edit: Formatting
that is helpful thank you
its glitching out, the feet and beak are blue and it leaves a weird trail behind
Cute but consumed CPU too much
I really want do download it but it crashes my laptop :(
aww :(
soooooo cool
is it safe
How can I make him happy? He's always mad at me when I close his gifts.
just leave him be, or just hold esc to evict g o o s e, nice punishemt i says
Play untitled goose game.
Funny thing. I like it
Antonio, the goose
why kill goosedektop
more like: WHY THE BIG X
That is just a bug. Just read the error
its not english
kills goosedesktop
i am stupid if i buy this(buys it)i am a idiot now
u can get it for free
are there any hotkeys to like make the goose pull out a not-epad message or some meme from the memes folder or does it just pull out not-epads and memes whenever it wants
it pulls out memes whenever it wants
can you please make one for Linux
edit: and make a tutorial pls
use wine
and no its a whole C# WinForms app a tutorial will be hard
o mah godi the goose want problems he said "looking for trouble, and if i cannot find it, i will create it" oh now he said "hi, am goose honk" wait he doin' something... WAIT NO WHAT IS THAT BROWN THIN- oh it stop- HE IS DOIN' SOMETHING PLEASE STOP FILLING MY SCREE- oh wait he want to get my c- NO HE GRABBED MY CURSOR STOPPPPPPPPPPPP
edit: even if he makes that... i love him :)
Esc to e v i c t g o o s e .
i heard the goose could interact with some games what games are there that the goose interacts with?
W I N D O W S .
what does that mean?
W I N D O W S.
W I N D O W S.
I LOVE THIS ( even he is a bit annoying)
goose is so cute, hope he's not a virus though!
love himmmm! :}
he is NOT a virus so more happy
he is a virus:))))))))))))))))))))))))
he is not a virus though
does anyone know what the app for this is because ive tried everything and cant get rid of this. i cant even uninstall
go to task manager, click desktop goose and hit end task
or hold escape
the app is to make stuff harder for you to do
I'm on Mac
I LOVE HIMMM i named mine antonio <3
i named my honky duck
i cant make him go awayt im trying everthing to delete the goose and i doing what people are saying and i already deleted the files but its not leaving.
two words: Task Manager
stfu before i Task Manager u
two words: toxic 10 year old :0
Two words: Hold Esc.
hold esc
is there a way to disable attacking cursor on mac and not just disabling random attacks
config.ini open with notepad, Task_CanAttackMouse=set to false
The goose dragged my cursor and won't let go
I have question it this a viru
its not a virus
its a fake virus
then its not a virus
i have a question
how do we uninstall it
uninstall in setting or if coms with uninstall app just use dat, or just delete files in appdata or localappdata folder or c drive and desktop, also if it is running open task maneger and end the program, damn that goose, real asshole he is
how do i make it work cause when i download it nothing happens
you do realise that this is a virus? and i think you cant uninstall, u lucky
it isn't a virus lmao
its not lmao stop being dumb
its not a fucking virus
HOLD. ESC. KEY!!!!!!!
its not a virus to him to stop hold esc
open your folders go to desktopgoose then open it then open goosedesktop and it will spawn
can we download on ipad.
it says desktop goose. It's made for desktop only.
wait what is a desktop considered please help me i'm so fucking scared that this might be a virus holy shit
desktop is like when you first open you pc you start there then click on something like google or epic games Minecraft whatever else
No you are dumb. A desktop is a computer/Windows/Mac. Do some research.
that was mean i just went of what i know you didn't have to call me dumb
stfu and stop calling people idiots u are the idiot
It means it's for computer's. also this thing isn't harmful.
oh yeah! I got it undownloaded, woohoo!
it's not a virus
We know
even if that was a thing, you'd have to jailbreak for it since apple would never allow such a thing on the app store lol
It's for desktop only (Windows and MacOS)
And I can imagine that based off of your name you're at least some grubby little 9 year old that originally made an account for Friday Night Funkin'
you should make a desktop bed lump that turns to a bomb randomly than just coal on the screen for 10 secs and just annoy the person on the devise
Hey, you will some time make a linux version?
help me
my pc crashed x
just restart ur pc
same happend to me
ok thanks
no no no its not just exit the goose from task manager then restart the goose its happend to me 2 times
can you speak english???