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(1 edit) (-1)

how to spawn the leaves?

Hello, to make the leaves appear, you will have to follow the instructions in the "autumn" file. For more info, ask the creator of the app.

this is what it showed to me- am i lucky???

yes i think


It didn't happen to me. I only found that it works from windows 7 and newer. It could be a problem with your computer.

(1 edit)

thats not good so...Kermit Panic GIF - Kermit Panic - Discover & Share GIFs

hope that goose does not steal my steam games. 10/10

why would he

its just a goose

it's just a joke bro

(1 edit)

oh right srry (imagine it does lol)

I have an update idea, Make it so he can pull actual computer images into frame instead of just duck related ones.


very mischievous goose

he tried to grab my mouse but overall he is a sweetheart

my antivirus says it is a malicious malware


prob because it moves your mouse when the goose grab its or when the goose puts popups (images) in the computer



is this usable on chromebook or, not?

(10 edits)

I don't use ChromeOS and i don't think there is a ChromeOS or Linux version of this
but the windows version can run under WineHQ (I've heard that ChromeOS can run Linux apps but i think you have to enable it in settings)

emmm......i have a question:how to close it?

hold esc


Is this a virus?

no its not


(1 edit) (+1)

alright, what do we have here,

so it detected it was a trojan, probably because its a joke but you know, it can grab your mouse but whatever

adware? probably because it drags images in

joke virus? joke viruses often dont do much, its fine

downloader? nonsense

potentially unwanted application? i mean if you don't want to have an goose on your pc then yes

well, in a sense;)



And then the goose returns the mouse?



guys should i download this?




there is something in the folder that closes it



just hold escape dude


it is not a virus its just a goose that just opens a window with a meme and tracks mud on your desktop and grabs your cursor.

(2 edits)

also can put to false for the goose to grab the cursor


so cuteeee :)

mobile version when

(1 edit) (+5)(-3)

this nigga  bitch just STOLE MY CURSOR!!! 0/10,




and then your pfp

Can you make a mobile version

(1 edit)

this is just legendary love it

how do i put the piles leafs?

read da descriptioon


you need to go to assets then go to mods then go to autumn

i love this goose


how did you create this, and what game engine did you use

how do i close it 

hold "esc"

it doesn't work for some whatever reason
but i found out how to

thank you though 



pls make a linux version

Yes pleaseeee

I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned that, two years ago, kitboga had a scam-baiting session where he pretended to be an old lady who had a “goose virus” she needed help with and wound up luring two different scammers into a ludicrous competition over who gets to scam “her”.

(2 edits)

actually!? lol never seen it                                           Person Looking Confused GIFs | Tenor

Yeah. It also inspired Rinoa Poison to do her own similar goose-enhanced scam-baiting video which is also a must-watch, where she tells the scammers she has a Roomba mailbox and rambles about having a medieval catapult she uses to launch watermelons out the window when they ask if she has any smart devices.

(1 edit)

lol (Roombas..)



hold esc


thanks the soest of the much 

i love him

i got this working on Linux Mint via Wine.

it doesn't work correctly but it runs fine!


2023 and people are still downloading this. cool

(1 edit)

even know its 2023 and the trend is now gone i still love that goose :D

thanks samperson

its 2023 and u didnt add the mods for mac i think

hmmm can i undownload it? if so then TAKE ALL MEH MONEY

hold esc

oh thx

do not i cant get it to stop, HELp!

hold esc

so? ok???

i solved your problem.

not working. everytime i try to open it it constantly is hitting me with a you do not have permission to open this file and all that bull crap. any one knwo whats wrong?



Deleted post

No but don't download it. Biggest mistake of my life.

hold esc lol

Deleted 1 year ago

give permissions to ur local user

how to do a goose like you mod and custom with others things pls tell me samperson @samperson

ill tell you just click this  Find mods by clicking here. it will take you to all the mods for desktop goose in GitHub don't worry you don't need a account any ways this is rainbowstrobe click here to download it RainbowStrobe (default mod) open desktop goose folder then go to assets>mods, then create a new folder then move everything in the rainbow strobe into the folder you created but not the downloader like WinRAR or somthing like that then rename the folder Rainbow strobe then run the goose then your goose should be rainbow  Animated Goose GIFs | TenorOh and do what i told you to do with the rest of the mods


in config, can you add

"maxattacktime", "minattacktime" and maybe "giveupattack"

maxattacktime=max amount of time spent trying to attack

minattacktime=minimum amount of time spent trying to attack

giveupattack=if it will  stop attacking or not (booleen)

wow thx

should i download on my school computer and how should i delete it if i do

plz tell me

Just delete the downloaded files. Or, end it from the task bar, or manager.

but should i download it on my school chromebook

it would not work because it is a chromebook

you  can also esc to close it if it supports your device

yes but dont get caught you know what will happen


how to delete it


Press esc or click on close goose


Will there be a windows xp version?


is this a virus?


might as will be


then im not downloading it


Not a virus, but is kinda annoying.


its an joke virus, joke viruses arent often that bad + if it would be an actual virus it wouldnt be i guess

True-bllod GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

nope is not a virus

it isn't, its a perfectly harmless program. to get rid of it, hold esc

or prob taskkill - end task from taskmgr

esc works

thats what you said + i was just saying other ways to get rid of it

it is not

(1 edit) (-2)

Can you make it that: "Desktop Goose" can open something? (files,browser,new tab in browser etc.)

there's a mod of that its called clicker it opens random stuff that's on your desktop

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