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the more hilarious fact is that this 'virus' is made on indie games platform installer

Deleted 137 days ago

sometimes when the duck takes my mouse, it permanently takes it, and I can't close it(tried esc) im on Mac.


goose* ☝️🤓


Very interesting, I want to download it to the teacher’s computer tomorrow XD



Remember to make it autostart! 

it wont work?


did you unpack the zip file?


it looks likes a virus because it moves your cursor and open but it alright

It appears to be safe, considering all of the people that executed it and nothing happened, but sometimes it's better being safe than being sorry


yes, i wonder if it is a virus or something because it downloads itself to your computer


yeah the only thing not safe from the goose is you.

downloading my new goose bro was the best decision I've made on this platform

me updating my goose:

there's a goose update???? 

also I made my goose aesthetic and pink

no there is no desk goose update

btw im on me phone cuz me pc has ass wifi so this pic is rare (feel free to steal)

Deleted 137 days ago

the goose experience

accurate drawing of what happens when you close the goose's "not-epad"

now, a comment from goose

"hlklokl riuyhfg me ther toosdre i8hytyghttrhgb sorr4y bhards to m tyupe wikfbh feet"
                                         - the gooser

damn boy that thing looks great

yeah i drew it in aseprite and layered it over reflection (the win10 default wallpaper) but it took me only a little to make

i wish i had moneeh for some cool apps

are you implying i bought aseprite legitimately (i pirated it (drawing apps shouldn't fucking cost money))

say that to unity

nice art

thank you it took me maybe 2-3 minutes to make

i mean 2023


how do you use the config?


you just edit the things after the = 

example:  in EnableMods=False, you'd change it to true. If you want to change the goose colours, you have to enable custom colours. hope this helps :)


uhh help its lagging my pc and i dont know how to delete the

if you hold esc it should close it and you can uninstall it


guys is this safe? i've downloaded the wrong things in the past i don't like downloading things w/o knowing if its safe and what exactly it is. i just want to know if it's a virus or not.

Nah it's safe!

Alright, I'm still not gonna download it because, to be honest I barely have any space and it's hard to extract files if yk what I mean

Yeah, I feel you on that. 


Well... I opened it 100 times :) (R.I.P My PC)






We all know what this needs. this. needs. doom music. (maybe when he is nabbing your cursor?)


I love this goose it’s pretty entertaining to play with a little goose who likes to pull out  great memes from his basement

 untitled goose game support you can kill the duck 


so many honk


I downloaded this in comp-sci class and I now have 4 geese running through leaf piles and tracking mud all over VSCode - My teacher is very concerned XD





What coding language did you make the desktop goose in? I was wanting to make a program with a similar concept, but with turtles.

And unsurprisingly, the goose can't nab your mouse if you're using a drawing tablet.

it is not downloading


Make mobile

(1 edit)

You know what's better than making it mobile? Make an Linux version for Chromebooks/Chromeboxes! Good suggestion btw! (Also, they need to update the MacOS version)

dawg I'm ON MOBILE-

the thing wouldn't work on mobile


I LOVE IT!!! so hard to find anything besides a visual novel that runs on my crusty old macbook but my silly goose (I named him Gus) works just fine!! He's easy to switch on and off (and does so immediately) and hes so silly :) I love gus, thank you so much for making this!!

It doesn't work for me 😭 i tried everything and i downloaded it doesnt work.

pls help

What computer are you on?

actually it works thank you though

no problem


i will pet a goose instead.

ok good

(1 edit) (+3)

press and hold Esc to get rid of the goose

Deleted post

task manager

If you're on mac you can open the desktop goose application again, it will pull up a little settings menu. From there just click "quit desktop goose". Idk how it works on windows tho lol

Bear hug studios find close goose click it boom it's closed on windows


my goose has left mud tracks all over your comment

Deleted 300 days ago

task manager

find close goose

guys if you want to ask something ask me

how to find the .txt file?? i dowload it and there's only  2 folders in it, when i click there's nothing happens

If you mean the texts that the goose says, they are in assets and then in text


this is not a virus its just a goose that are in your screen

correct, and to stop him, use task manager

or hold esc for 10 seconds


~le honk


It would be cool if you can punish the duck for taking your mouse

just hold esc for 10 seconds,he'll cease to exist

thanks mate


does anyone know how to turn off the memes and notepads? i just want this lil guy to run around 

probably settings (i think it comes with the goose)


does what it says on the tin. he gives me cute messages and memes and is indeed an asshole.


This makes me want to be nicer to ppl in the comments of this website! (I'm still not gonna be nicer)

i need someone to mod it for him to be a protogen or something like that

wow your stuff i so cool


virus but not virus but cute but chaotic- AHHHH HE HAS MY MOUSE AAAAAAA


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