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is there a way to make it on chrombook


You should make it poop. Do it. I dare you.






how do i edit the script in Apple Script Editor

Deleted 1 year ago



he has sex daily with this baby on his desktop

How do I download or find mods? Also, interacting with things other than the mouse could be fun


this is fun.... in one of the updates, you should try to make it look like th actual goose from the game.


this isn't related to untitled goose game I don't think

It is, but I like the goose how it is right now, just so cute


Can you make him randomly click? For him to Interact with Pages, he could click and scroll.

That'd actually be pretty cool I wouldn't mind that

there is a mod that does something like that here


I need multiple screens support

it is safe to download ina a computer can i uninstall it later?



Make more Animals

Like a Chimp

Deleted post

no, this program is based on shapes in the code, it would need to be completely reconstructed to this

(1 edit) (-2)

I'm on acer laptop, and it wont work, I also can't read the "Read me (mac)" when I open it, it's just alot of stuff, so I don't know why it won't work.

all the videos and stuff I've read just says "unzip" and "extract" but don't see those options, is it Because I'm on chrome?

You downloaded the mac os version, download where say windows

He's using chromeOS on an acer laptop.

The only command that seems to work for me is the kill all. I can't change any of the defaults on Mac and I put in the commands mentioned on the read me file

I want to get rid of the memes, to make it school friendly. How do i do that????? someone help pls i miss my goose. (i'm on mac btw)

There is a file called Read me! (also one made for mac) read through it and you will find most things that you need to know about it. 

even so, im still confused nothing works

go to the memes folder in assets and delete the imgaes that are not "school friendly"

So you need to edit config.ini file

Change minwanderingtime to something EXTREMELY large and also make it the same for maxwanderingtime. 

This will change the amount of seconds the goose waits until it does something like being up a meme or leave dirt trails. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable only memes. You have to disable everything. 

thx I’ll try later


theres a folder with all the memes in it, im pretty sure, you could just go in there and delete all of them or just the ones that you dont want

if you delete all the memes it will just say "WHERE THE DAMN MEMES GO" and the goose will freeze


sorry developer i would of donated to you if i wasn't living on the streets




Hello sam can you do a version for chrome os pls??



(1 edit)

if you know how to run linux programs in chromeOS then you may be able to run wine and then the windows version from there

other than that, i wouldn't expect a chromeOS version soon

Fun, but doesn't work with the itch client as the file isnt a normal archive.


Funny, but doesn't seem to work properly on multi monitor setups (on mac at least)

Its the same on windows, I am sad that it doesn't.

i can't figure out how to change the color of the goose on my mac, the terminal commands haven't done anything. anyone know what's going on?

I use windows and don't know how Mac works. Try enabling custom colors?

discord  link is broken

(1 edit)

its updated at the top of the page this link


You can open the goose more than once. Im just going to leave this here


My little gaming buddies help with a give away.

I extracted the file already and it keeps telling me i still have to extract it over and over again and it wont let me open the app???


you have to run the extracted file, not the extracter

Please help, I can't edit the config.ini file. It says I don't have permission.

are you an administrator on your computer?


right click and run as administrator

can some one help me

lol with what

i downloaded it, luanched it, no duck! or goose, whatever

once you downloaded it, did you extract the .zip file?

if so, did you run the file that was extracted afterwards not the .zip file?


Why no Linux version?

(1 edit) (-1)

sucks to suck


I think it works through WINE

Probably hard to port, or just a very small playerbase which means bugs won't have priority etc.


To everyone complaining about no invite, SamPerson let me know that they're redoing the server. Give him a second

aight. will he post the join link here?

Idk, he's gonna invite me. ill prob post the link here

he updated the page dawg invite is good to go now

where is the inv


Anyone have a valid invite for the discord server or is the "" site the only currently valid thing?

I'm asking this because it currently only shows a blank page...


Its happening to probably everyone, I think the page has too much user traffic but that's just my guess


that is a true bruh moment..

Deleted 1 year ago

not deleted, I was told to rejoin for verification but the "" link doesn't work so I couldn't join


I tried to get into the "" after leaving since all the people were raiding it... and now im unable to join :(


Yeah, loads for me, but the page is just blank, and nothing happens


Same with me. It loads but the page is blank. Probably too many users going at once maybe?


It's very likely that's the case. It was a preeetty big server

Deleted 1 year ago


oh fuck whats the new discord link, i left being a dumbass


(2 edits) (+1)

I  didn't read the link he said to go to myself thinking it was this.

(1 edit)

Edit: does not load properly right now, as far as I know


i dont seem to be able to rejoin the discord server


me too


let them fix it, I am sure sam will put something out giving the all clear


yoo what was the discord link to rejoin, i quickly left the server like a dummy thinking the link here would work but it didn't

It isn't working right now though, probably too much user traffic

I think they got rid of the server and are setting one up again...


Is there a way to silence the footsteps? They're so loud and I want to watch YouTube with the little guy XD

Silencesound=false, edit it tô SilenceSound=True

Deleted 4 years ago

Basically there was a raid and somehow somebody became an admin and all the raiders were spamming @everyone. It will be fixed, let's just let it blow over and check up on it tomorrow.

Yup! This. Thanks a ton!


An admin told everyone to leave and rejoin the server cause the raid and so I did, then I realized, I can't join back cause I don't have an invite and the invites on this page have expired, is there a way I can get an invite to the discord please?


chris told everyone to ping him, then he told us to rejoin

What is the link to join back to the server please? I tried this link and the youtube links but none worked.

eh yo it didnt wor

Please tell me what you use to make this software, are you professional?

Probably Visual Studio





Could you add support to two monitor setups? if he goes onto my second monitor he just disappears.

Yes please do this. With 2 monitors i can see him open the notepad window before it enters the scree

When the discord gets re-added/re-opened keep up with the mod channel cause there is someone making the multi-monitor suppor

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