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I have a recording program called OBS, and for whatever reason, the goose doesn't show up when I press "Display Capture." I've tried Window Capture, and it works, but with a beeg orange background. If anybody knows  how to help, please do,,,


pleeeease linux

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This is the best program ever. 11/10. 

But could you please make it so that you can trap or put the goose on top or inside a window? 


You can tell by my name that I cannot get the goose, because it requires FILES! ;-;


How can i delet the goose or get rid of it,  becouse i don't want to download it without knowing how. 

Hold down ESC until a thing pops up in the top left corner


Shut has a new message

how do I run it? it asks me to open in internet explorer then asks to download again?

You need to extract all the files and then you open the extracted file and there should be an icon that says desktop goose with the goose and you click open and it should work

(1 edit) (-3)

new update in my game:


I enjoy this creation



how the heck do you get him on your screen...


This crappy thing sucks i can't get it without having to pay the stupid price

(1 edit) (+9)

you don't have to do the price, thats optional, click on the grey link that says "No thanks, just take me to the downloads"

Deleted 141 days ago

I suggest you begin to read.

Deleted 141 days ago

LOL i downloaded it 10 times and opened all of them, it was... 

Then it took me an hour to undo all of it...



but..I want to..

Deleted 141 days ago

"hopes and dreams

(1 edit)

but.. I HAVE, HAHA

Hold esc for a coulple of seconds and a message will pop up in the top-left corner to keep holding esc to stop the gooses

(1 edit) (+1)

Good update, couple bugs when nabbing mouse, love the new custom colors and customisation

Edit: I also noticed low energy useage, a good feature to add would be speed control, how fast the goose moves because when I get rid of his meme's he just spins in circles around the mouse


What are these things called? Like the stuff that wander around your computer screen.




thank you

so i downloaded this on my mac and i accidentally deleted the file for the goose and now it is just frozen on my screen. what do I do? i cant get rid of the frozen goose

I recommend restarting MacOS and if you still want the goose reinstall it.

Though you've probably solved the problem after 6 hours, if something like this happens again, try typing

killall "Desktop Goose"

in the Terminal


how do you turn it off


Hold Esc for a few seconds.


i love this goose <3

how to activate it ?
Deleted 3 years ago

OK, Just going to clarify. THIS IS NOT A VIRUS. While this is technically malware, it won’t do anything crazy to your computer. You can easily hold “escape” for about 3 seconds to close the program. You are the person who downloaded this, and the person who starts it. It doesn’t do anything that it’s not supposed to do. It’s only supposed to be for entertainment. Just like @stridline has said, this is HARMLESS. THIS WON’T DELETE SYSTEM FILES. (This is literally open-source, if you are so worried about it, just run it on a VM and look at the source code)

Hello, I'm interested by the source code. Where can I find it? Do you have the URL?

Thanks in advance


it's a virus

dont seem so


Dude, its not a virus. Is it malware? Yes. Does it do anything to your computer other than what its supposed to? No. Can it mine your computer for information? No, as everything is done locally, except for it connecting to the website to open not-epad. Don't believe me? Just run it in a virtual desktop and watch the code for yourself. Conclusion: Its not a virus!

Deleted 4 years ago

Nope, it's not malicious its just a Shimeji.


is this a virus??

Deleted 1 year ago

no, its harmless malware. aka, doesn't do anything to your computer (except add a goose), and it does everything locally, so it is literally impossible for it to mine any information from your computer.

can you make a linux version pretty please? or would that be too hard since linux has multiple desktop environments and all

Should not be any harder because all of the distros should use a base Version of xserver11, so no matter if it uses gnome, unity, xfce or other environments. 

so when u open up the program it works fine, but if u change desktop (windows 10) the goose disappers. can u please fix this :D


you should make and idle or sleep animation of you go idle for 5~ mins. would be sick

is there a way to make it on chrombook


You should make it poop. Do it. I dare you.






how do i edit the script in Apple Script Editor

Deleted 1 year ago



he has sex daily with this baby on his desktop

How do I download or find mods? Also, interacting with things other than the mouse could be fun


this is fun.... in one of the updates, you should try to make it look like th actual goose from the game.


this isn't related to untitled goose game I don't think

It is, but I like the goose how it is right now, just so cute


Can you make him randomly click? For him to Interact with Pages, he could click and scroll.

That'd actually be pretty cool I wouldn't mind that

there is a mod that does something like that here


I need multiple screens support

it is safe to download ina a computer can i uninstall it later?



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Like a Chimp

is there a way to change the goose textures? to a different animal perhaps?

no, this program is based on shapes in the code, it would need to be completely reconstructed to this

(1 edit) (-2)

I'm on acer laptop, and it wont work, I also can't read the "Read me (mac)" when I open it, it's just alot of stuff, so I don't know why it won't work.

all the videos and stuff I've read just says "unzip" and "extract" but don't see those options, is it Because I'm on chrome?

You downloaded the mac os version, download where say windows

He's using chromeOS on an acer laptop.

The only command that seems to work for me is the kill all. I can't change any of the defaults on Mac and I put in the commands mentioned on the read me file

I want to get rid of the memes, to make it school friendly. How do i do that????? someone help pls i miss my goose. (i'm on mac btw)

There is a file called Read me! (also one made for mac) read through it and you will find most things that you need to know about it. 

even so, im still confused nothing works

go to the memes folder in assets and delete the imgaes that are not "school friendly"

So you need to edit config.ini file

Change minwanderingtime to something EXTREMELY large and also make it the same for maxwanderingtime. 

This will change the amount of seconds the goose waits until it does something like being up a meme or leave dirt trails. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable only memes. You have to disable everything. 

thx I’ll try later


theres a folder with all the memes in it, im pretty sure, you could just go in there and delete all of them or just the ones that you dont want

if you delete all the memes it will just say "WHERE THE DAMN MEMES GO" and the goose will freeze

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