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Can you add a setting so we can adjust its speed?

that will be very cool owner do this


Thank you for making the text files available.  Now my goose can give me reminders <3 

p.s. I can't tell you how happy I was to see that Jacksepticeye used your program in a recent video. Its delightful!!!

yo can you make this look like the goose from UGG, i know this is not associated with it, but it would be cool and fun.

I hope you can make a chrome version. Even though I heard it's hard, I believe that you can make it. 

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.

This is 100% safe for your PC, right?


yes, its not a virus, its like bonzi buddy but its not a virus nor annoying... maybe a little annoying but you get the point.. its safe.. V E R Y  S A F E ;))





sorry i want MODSSS there ya go

Multi-monitor support??

i agree with this

coming to chrome?

Possibly, but its very hard to make it work for chrome.

Not to fear though, the honk may visit you in the near future...

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.


you didn't fix the infamous red x thingy because I closed the pic before he brought it in and boom the /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ showed up and there

pls actually fix it


Thank you now i have a mischief-causing friend to keep me company during many hours of boredom






when i go in fullscreen he disapears.

Can somebody tell me why and how i can fix this?

Deleted 1 year ago

 it works but i've seen youtubers do it with Minecraft in fullscreen


10/10 would honk again


Any way to make it so the mud doesn't disappear? I just think it would be cool if he made the screen all muddy :T

Also, how do I make memes appear more often? Thanks :T


Open the config.ini file and make the min and max wandering time smaller


I have it and i love it


Is it just my computer or did a giant red x with a white background appear on screen after I summoned like 10

(1 edit) (+2)

The goose is great and all, it's dragging in random Reddit memes to give me a chill laugh. But it doesn't do much it only does like 4 things basically. Maybe you should add something like, him flapping his wings randomly causing to open the notification menu (Windows) and to do something that can be on Mac. It also doesn't honk but it's probably of my potato computer.

Deleted post
Deleted post

When will this be available for chrome


its very hard to make it work for chrome.

Not to fear though, the honk may visit you in the near future...


That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.


So I have a question before I download this hjönk hjönk goose on my desktop. If I want to remove the goose off my desktop but not deleate it. How do I remove the goose?

(2 edits) (+1)

press and hold ESC


Task Manager


i love the goose

i absolutelly love Max (i named the goose max) 

Using Microsoft.VisualBasic
Using System.Collections
Using System.Collections.Generic
Public Class GooseLove {
if (ThePersonWhoWritesThisComment.Loves = TheGoose){

help i can not get these gooses of my dsktop and i can not delete this app

Press  and hold ESC

Hold ALT + press TAB and close the goose


(1 edit) (+2)

it wont work


Is this one of those "fake malwares" like memz that have no intention of harming an unsuspecting individual but do actually harm your computer?




can this thingy be removed if ur done?


It's kind of like Shimejis but on PC. But, Youtubers and others call them viruses cuz of it controling your mouse. But don't worry this isnt malicious.


Does this work on chrome and Asus?

yes maybe

It doesn't seem to be working on my computer :(

It doesn't and will never work on chromebooks.

theres alot of customization and its just making the goose just plain nice or sparing people but this is the opposite of goose, and he needs to be more destructive


Maybe make a verison for chromebook?

The creator said it might happen. But it would be difficult

Just a thought for the creator, they could make an app like hello pets, its might work... then again- I haven't tried using hello pets yet on y chromebook.

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.


i need the goose on iphone, i’m begging you, i have nothing left to fight, but this goose, my god, this goose, he keeps me going. without him i wouldn’t be here, so i’m begging you, give me the goose.

sorry but it think porting malwares to mobile devices (esspecially IOS ones) is impossible

Shimeji is something just like this! I don't know if it's on IOS tho.


He's here right now! I love it!


I get he's supposed to be annoying but I just find him adorable. I don't think I'll ever get tired of him. Also, if he starts chasing your courser, just move it around him and watch him spin OwO.

I literally created this account just for this comment, I will probably never use this again.

Me too


can you plz add this to chrome book

That isn't possible. Chromebooks can only run Chrome, which means they can't run other programs like Desktop Goose.


I downloaded it but the program won't open even when I run as administrator



uhhh how i freaking launch it?!!!

Find the file titled DesktopGoose and double-click the thing with the picture of him.



can you make one that works like shimeji on Android?

(2 edits)

my goose wont get randomly my cursor ;-;

how do i get rid of it, because its a bit annoying now

Hold ESC

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