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Hey there! I've downloaded the goose multiple times, but I can never seem to get/find the .goos file. Does anyone know where I can find it so i can mod him? Thanks

It's in the "Downloaded" section and find "Downloads" and you'll find it!


(1 edit)

as long as you are using windows then this will work, if you are using the mac version then modding is not supported

The goose is, by default, put i the downloads folder under the name "DesktopGoose v0.3", to mod it you need to open the config.ini file (it has changed in the 0.3 version from .goos) and change the line that says something like "allowmods" from false to true

you can then visit the unofficial, official github page (

find the mod that you want

in the goose's folder there is a folder called Assets, inside that, one called Mods, by default there will be a mod in there called "rainbowstrobe" this makes the goose flash random colours, if you don't want that then you can just delete it

you need to create a separate folder for each of the mods you want to use, create a new folder with an appropriate name for that mod (so you can find it later) then place all the files for that mod in there (make sure you don't have any double folders or zip files)

in the end the directory structure should look like this:

Assets/Mods/Modname/{modname.dll + any other files}

if it looks like 

Assets/Mods/{modname.dll + any other files}


Assets/Mods/Modname/Modname/{modname.dll + any other files}

then the mod will not load, if you have any other trouble then consider joining the discord server linked in the description of the goose.

hope this helps


Please add multiple monitor support so instead of walking into the abyss he walks into my second monitor


can you PLEASE make it available for google chrome users!!!!! i want this so bad but i can't get it because its not for google chrome.

How the heck can you use a program on a browser?!


Hey so sometimes there's a bug where he goes off the screen and goes in a circle for ever, also there's a bug where he never lets go of your mouse. I have him on my mac (Catalina) I hope this helps!


In what is it coded??

Deleted post

You are correct, the goose is coded in C# using a custom engine that samperson made himself


that would've taken a lot of dedication

He is beautiful.


If you wanna close it, hold ESC. Then, look up in the top right WHILE holding, and wait until the bar that says "Keep holding ESC to evict the goose." is full.

You're welcome advance : )


You're welcome *IN* advance.


This goose such an a**hole- I love it!★★★★★

I lov he


I'm so upset I couldn't get it working
A box would come up asking me to extract it, then something saying 'yes to all' and 'no to all' but no matter what I pressed it wouldn't work
Please help I love the goose

x2 :(

By default a folder is created in your downloads folder

You may need to search for it

It is called: "Desktop Goose v0.3"

Idk how to download it

Deleted post

i downloaded it three times because i wanted more

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oh well thank you :D

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anyone know how to put it in spanish
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Does anyone know if there's a linux version somewhere?

I downloaded this and loved it on my windows laptop. But I recently switched to linux for work related issues, and I wanted to run the goose there. Unfortunately linux doesn't support exe files.

Deleted 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, linux does support zip files

Deleted 3 years ago

You could try using wine

(2 edits)

Works good on Wine. Only downsides are images and text can't be halfway off the screen and holding ESC doesn't work. To X out of it, kill explorer.exe

Oh, thanks for informing me.I'll try wine

its not a virus. i love this goose hahahahahahahahhaha🤣

im holding control and it wont work windows user

pls respond

There is a support discord server, check the description


so good!! i love it!!


When I Try To Open GooseDesktop.exe, An Error Pops Up Saying: The App Could Not Open Correctly, ¿What Do I Do?


why pay for something that is going to bug you that's just stupid


Its supposed to be funny. People can do what they want with their money. If they want to pay for a cute goose boi on their desktop, they are allowed to do so 


Plus, you don't even have to pay for it, I have no idea how you got to that conclusion 


its free , its funny , its cool . also.... i t s    f r e e   f o o l


this "game" made me laugh me a** off lol

it's so funny and I ended up getting rid of it


Do you think you could make it available for chromebook,like being able to download it on linux? If not its ok, just asking.

can someone tell me did it break their computer? im just really scared,it's my new computer (i bought it for 200$..)


hey, it works perfectly on mine and didn't break it, in fact i love it. but i'd suggest that you don't keep it on 24/7 and only use it when you're chilling because it gets annoying when you have to do something or type up an essay or whatever haha.

@mubarak03 yes

If you wanna get rid of it, ill post my comment.

If you wanna close it, hold ESC. Then, look up in the top right WHILE holding, and wait until the bar that says "Keep holding ESC to evict the goose." is full.

You're welcome :3

it dont break ur computer... its fine i use it on my brand new gaming pc on windows


Love it, he is in fact a dick


and is this a virus

Deleted post

It's not a virus



how do i turn it on

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im on windows 7 

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(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

downloaded it. realized i could spawn multiple geese. almost crashed my computer.  10\10 i will absolutely do that again

so umm. you are a genius and a goody boi


Will this ever be able to download on chrome book? I just gave 2 dollars (which i know isn't a lot) but would still like to have something I payed for.


your such an idiot ok first of all ur probally 5 second of all you can download file apps on a chromebook -_- AND YOU DIDNT EVEN HAFT TO PAY also look up how to go in devopler mode on chromebook even if you know how you need to do it


dude, you say that they're probably 5 when you spell probably like a 5 year old does. Don't call people an idiot unless you expect to be called an idiot back. and while they didn't HAVE to pay, they decided to. and some files aren't available for chromebook. even if this one is, it's much harder when you have to go into dev mode. This is from a Chromebook user. Peace, xohannemberrrr

It's prob not gonna be supported on chromebook, you can't use it on chromebook, you must have a pc or mac running windows or macos. 

Chrome os will probably never be supported. 

(1 edit) (-1)

  it doesnt work

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hey so i want to know how to add memes of our own so he bring it in

btw this is great, try to make more i definetly would download.


From 0.2+:
- Unlimited memes! Put whatever memes you want in the assets folder! Goose will bring them.
- Added GIF support!
- Config the goose! Alter properties in the config.goos file (open it in Notepad) to adjust his aggression!)


Oh. My. Gosh. THIS IS SO HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making this!!! (honk!)

(4 edits) (+1)

Please! Please!! Please!!!!!!!

Sam, please send me the 0.2 version of the

<({[Desktop Goose]})> to my Email :

~~ ~~

I want the version 0.2!! Really Please!

(Not version 0.21!)

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

I want the older version because I want to see the Red X crash that was in the 0.2 version of Desktop Goose!😩

Deleted 2 years ago

that's the point. it's a joke virus

its not a virus its a joke app there is a reason why you can hold esc to make it go away

you can also close it with the task manager too


How did u make this? I want to know how a computer is able to make a program with such power (also cuz he does stuff ive never seen a program do and i think its cool and i want to make my own)

no puedo descargarme el gansito no se porque alguien me explica por fa


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i did 7 and my whole pc shut off.... my laptop is lower end so i guess its expected................ XD

i had 2 monitors and put 10 on each

now i have to use this laptop

will dual-monitor support be added?

i hope so


can it be deleted or shut off?

Deleted post

yeah you go to the files which should be open and you double click the

Close Goose File


Yes it can, you can do 3 things

  • Hold esc
  • Use task manager
  • Use the closegoose.bat file

you can close it with the task manager on window


hes broken youre update broke him wth now i have to delete him

Deleted post

so goose needs another annoying feature so like how about the bell at the end of the game you can take it away from him and hide it 

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