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Hold [ESC] To toggle the goose. Or go to the Task Manager and click "Goose (32bit)" and click "End Task"

For "Task Manager" Right Click on the task bar 

yes i can put dis in my meme foder of my destop gose


I liked the goose a lot! It is hilarious!

Is there a way to turn the memes and text files off completely? I know that I can set the FirstWanderTimeSeconds= to high number, but then I won't have goose running around and I like that. I just wouldn't want it bringing stuff on my desktop - don't want to continue closing stuff constantly.


not sure if this makes much of a diff, but if you change the MinWanderingTime= and the MaxWanderingTime= to high numbers, it might do something diff than the FirstWanderTime

Hope this helps/makes sense


i didnt have disk space to download this


The goose just put a big red X and a white backround then my computer CRASHED and now I can not open it

Multiple have had this problem, and I believe it's something to do with mods usually (I may be wrong)
All I can suggest is look for support in the Discord since I'm no exper. Sorry


I accidentally spammed it and now my computer has crashed from how much power this crazy download takes. What do I do?! I can’t even control my mouse or login.

restart the computer, it will stop all the geese

nah nah dud its supposed to be hold esc or task manager goose 32 bit

(1 edit)

you could do that however depending on the speed of the computer then it is quicker to just restart it, the more geese you have open the longer you have to hold esc for anyway,  if they cant control their mouse then they would have a fun time trying to use task manager


im gonna regret this


i dont have my goose


Great ,i love it , now I have a quarantine friend, next update suggestions: 1. YOU COULD PET IT 2. You can grab it with your mouse 3. video support 4. A mini crewmate mod pre-installed in the mod folder . THANKS VERY MUCH:)


a neat featurewould be the ability to add a name tag.

Hello there! This is actually a mod that you can download from the resourcehub ( called "Shaggy's NameTag Mod"

Will it work on mac?

Unfortunately there is no mod support for mac, so no. Which sucks


please make it on chromebook

Deleted 1 year ago

thank you now i have one friend atleast



lol Bitdefender destroyed the file


Can we get Multi monitor support or at least a option to set them to a specific screen?

Unfortunately multi-monitor support isn't in the near future, but you can change the screen the goose is on by setting the preferred monitor to your default in settings.

not that nice but nice and fun tho

Could you do one for ChromeBooks!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee!


Deleted 1 year ago

My goose keeps disappearing. He wont bring me memes or anything. I can still hear him as if he is on the screen though. If I re-download, he still goes away. I don't know what happened. I did change the memes and notes so maybe that has something to do with it, but I'm not sure.

(2 edits) (+1)

Sam, If you are seeing this, could you make it where the goose will show up on other monitors, because if you have two monitors and the goose goes over to the other, it will disappear. But when you click it and it gets mad and chases the mouse over to the other monitor, you wont see it but it will still grab the mouse. If you can't, thats okay.


thanks i really love this i trolled my friends


does it automatically delete on windows for anyone else?

This might be because windows(or your security software) thought it was "dangerous" when in reality it's not. (It shows up as a virus because it isn't officially registered with windows or something like that)


how do i turn the memes off and where he leaves his tracks also the notepad thing

You can change this by setting the min and max wander times in the config to a high number. (This is how many seconds the goose waits before grabbing a meme/going off-screen)

After I download "desktop-goose" will it automatically become the newest version? If not, what should I do tp update the file?


when an update is released you will need to redownload it from this site

Deleted 2 years ago

hold esc
use the closegoose.bat file

or use task manager


When will Desktop Goose be added for Chrome? I really want this adorable goose on my chromebook badly!

this would require a complete rework of the goose and it would probably have decreased functionality


can you help me get the goose im on a hp and its not working and all my friends have it and said im to stupid to get it but im good with tech but not with this

download the program from this site
go into your downloads folder and find a folder called "DesktopGoose v0.3" (it wont appear at the top if you have the folder sorted by date),
inside that folder there is a file with a gree icon called "GooseDesktop.exe" double click on that and you should have a goose

hope this helps

When will Desktop Goose for Linux be released?

I made an account to say this is greatly needed.


I downloaded this and within 5 minutes it made my pc glitch and It made the screen black and I can’t shut it off. It keeps flashing this glitchy looking thing on the screen(the 4 dots you can see in the pic) nothing I do will turn off the pc

Sounds link the goose attacked you. Holding the `Esc` key for a full 8 seconds will quit the program though.


can you help me get it my friends all have it and said im to stupid to get it

sounds like you need better friends...

I love this!! And I figured out how to put in my own images for him to pull out. Go to the "Desktop Goose" folder > "Assets" > "Images" > "Memes" > And put your image in.


It won't let me activate, just says extract?

Deleted post
(1 edit)


That is because you changed the allow mods line in the config file to true, there is a demo mod called rainbowstrobe which makes the goose rapidly change colours


Deleted 4 years ago

Mac is different phorgy


nothing can stop the goose :(

double click the app again and there should be a quit goose button in the bottom left. hope this helps and happy gooseing




when i click "close goose" it doesen't work help this is my grandma's PC not mine help me please ~halp~

Deleted 4 years ago

when i press the thing to start the goose it doesnt work what should i do

If you ran the file that you got from this site then that is only the extractor, assuming that you clicked through everything then a folder will be created called "DesktopGoose v0.3" it will be towards the bottom as for some reason 7zip archives preserve the original creation date, inside that folder there is a file called Goosedesktop.exe (the one with the green icon) this is how you start it, to start it more easily you may want to create a shortcut and put it on your desktop, the closegoose.bat file is a way of stopping it, you can also use task manager or by holding the esc button, this will close the goose, to get it back simply run the Goosedesktop.exe program again and your goose will return

Hope this helps


so- i pressed "close goose" in the desktop goose folder, and now i cant get it back... heLp

Do I uninstall and reinstall it?

u untinstal by going into ur folder and selecting it and presing delete on the top functions and to reinstal it u must come back here and do the stufF

Assuming you just ran the closegoose.bat file, you haven't uninstalled it, simple tin the file with the green icon again called goosedesktop.exe 

(1 edit)

i have the exact opposite problem


Can you get more desktop geese?

Yes i opened it three times and now i have three geese that I can't close

Oh that's on windows. Sorry, I meant Mac ;;;;


dO yOu knOw hOw tO change yOur prOfile picture


Question can I pet the goose?

(1 edit)

Yes, watch out he may mistake it for a slap and try and attack your mouse though

it's really fun  to have on your desktop when your making homework e.g. I would definetly reccomend. only it would be fun if you'd add updates, for example add more memes, or make the goose have an intense staring contest with you all of the sudden. Or hide in one of ur google taps so you can do hide and seek with him. or a pull game with your mouse would be fun too! or a little toy/puddle for him so he can play. or add more emotions to him


or add a mod that he can poop and you have to collect that and you get money and with that money you can buy accessoires like hats or rainboots

(1 edit)

it is already possible to add more memes to the goose, there are a few collections on this site here:

go into the assets folder then images then memes, any images in there will be dragged in by the goose, you can also edit the notepad messages by going into Assets/Text/NotepadMessages

this is geinus yEs i aprovE

usted debe hacer una de una chica kawaii o una Waifu


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