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(1 edit) (+1)

esc :)

no it's not ESC, you have to quit the program or close it with task manager

oh o

and mac????

command q or open the settings and click "quit desktop goose"



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is it even real ?


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oks thanks for telling me

bruh it's not fake lol

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oks thanks for telling me


hjonk hjonk

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)




im sad now


and TAKING MY MOUSE keeps bringing me memes and chats.

how can i get it back?


how on goose




i mean i can deleate it if i dont want it soo ill try it





(1 edit)




Deleted post
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Hi HyperSour I need your help. Can you make me a baldi basics mod called Baby Shark Basics in doo doo dooing and Math . Baldi will be Baby Shark ,The principal of the thing will be daddy shark ,Playtime will be mommy shark ,Its a Bully will be Tingidoc ,Arts and crafters will be grandma shark, and gotta sweep will be grandpa shark on the gotta sweep.

Deleted post


it does not work

Why does it not work? It automatically extracts but it doesn't open anything! Please help.

Search "desktopgoose" and there should be an application called GooseDesktop. Open that and it'll work.

o meu não quer aparecer:(

Para abrir o meu eu descompactei pelo 7zip e depois abri a pasta de Scoped Dir que descompactou, entrei na pasta chamada DesktopGoose v0.3 e apertei num arquivo .exe (Aplicativo) chamado Goose Desktop. Espero que tenha ajudado

Obs.: Para fazer ele sumir, é só pressionar Esc

how did you make this?

i want it on a chromebook




alguem veio pelo tropia?


how can i delete this


hold ESC



(1 edit)

desktop goose isnt working for me. ive downloaded and opened his file but he wont show up. is it because i have a samsung? what am a doing wrong?

you are not doing anything wrong
as long as you didn't change the folder destination then all you need to do is go into your downloads folder, towards the bottom there will be a folder called "DesktopGoose v0.3" open that and double click the file with the green icon called "GooseDesktop.exe"

10/10 its funny


help i think i broke Da G00se

ok but i need a mod that makes the goose's body fat



can someone make a mod so the goose is a rat 

also how to i turn it off or delete it if it gets too annoying?

to delete it just delete the folder and to turn it off hold esc or look in the folder for a thing that says close goose and open that to remove it.


Hold ESC for about 30 seconds or quit the app

10/10 love hjonk




rookie numbers

tell me how to put it on ;-;

Deleted post

t u r n i t o f f t h e n

Deleted post

I turned off the goose for a short bit so it'd stop bothering me but I have to pay for it again to re-activate it, could I have some help?

You can just download it for free.

you can download it for free it is a name your price and you are also able to o back into the folder for it and open it again

Just press No thanks, just take me to the downloads, it's set to name your own price, it doesn't mean you have to pay

pls chromebook support

(1 edit)

Hey, I thought I'd give some input on my experience now. I downloaded it and tried it when I kept a lot less tabs on my account - I doubt I knew I even had an open account at the time to leave my input. So a lot of this is from memory, but I'll share all the same.

I was excited to come across this, honestly. Reminded me a lot of the shimeji that I collected from deviantArt and loved to watch roam around my desktop while I was in high school - just keep it on for a long time and see how overrun it could get. And for the most part, I got that experience again with the goose and it was very in-character, I dare say.

But I came across the same crashing issues that Pawa reported, though I'm not sure if the triggers were the same. I'm not sure if the notepad elements were involved, but if I were to have the goose active for any substantial amount of time, it would eventually crash like that. Well, I say eventually, but I think it took like 10 mins tops.

Would recommend that ever got fixed.

can you help me I downloaded the goose file but nothing happened please help I want the goose :

  1. go into your downloads and find the file extractor titled desktop goose v0.3 extractor
  2. put the file in a place you can remember
  3. launch the extractor it will download all the files and put it into a folder
  4. open up the folder and you will find a application titled desktop goose 
  5. if you are done with the goose there is another app called close goose it will open up the console and get rid of it until you re-launch the app

Fresh was not fond of quackers

Um I downloaded the goose but I have yet to see it come, I don't know what to because I've already downloaded it so if you have any answers please tell me.

  1. go into your downloads and find the file extractor titled desktop goose v0.3 extractor
  2. put the file in a place you can remember
  3. launch the extractor it will download all the files and put it into a folder
  4. open up the folder and you will find a application titled desktop goose 
  5. if you are done with the goose there is another app called close goose it will open up the console and get rid of it until you re-launch the app
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