it's nice and i like it, but he drags too much stuff to the screen & I didn't find an option to disable the memes & notes. As cute as they are, he seems to drag them in once every minute or so which is too often if you are actually trying to get anything done on your computer, they just clog up the screen since they don't even go away on their own. I'd just like to have a wandering goose who maybe drops in a motivational quote once every three hours or so or not at all
he has dragged in 4 memes while I wrote this comment
I don't exactly remember where it is, but there is a document included where you can tune what it does and even allow custom memes and notepad prompts. It's been a fair bit since I've used this program. Mainly cause' it's not on linux.
hello there good evening sir it looks you have to verify your bank account or it will close permanent for further details message me your bank info (this is a joke dont report me)
Is there a way to choose which screen the goose will spawn on? I couldn't figure out a way to change it from the main screen even when I spawned multiple.
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on mac delete the zip file or bmp i guess
i defeated it in mac
it's nice and i like it, but he drags too much stuff to the screen & I didn't find an option to disable the memes & notes. As cute as they are, he seems to drag them in once every minute or so which is too often if you are actually trying to get anything done on your computer, they just clog up the screen since they don't even go away on their own. I'd just like to have a wandering goose who maybe drops in a motivational quote once every three hours or so or not at all
he has dragged in 4 memes while I wrote this comment
I don't exactly remember where it is, but there is a document included where you can tune what it does and even allow custom memes and notepad prompts. It's been a fair bit since I've used this program. Mainly cause' it's not on linux.
for some reason i do everything to active the goose yet hes not showing
press its feet
by holding the esc key for 10 seconds or just closing the app, it shows up when you alt+tab or go to task manager
it not work
you need to open the zip file and find the .exe
why does the goose is not a file it's just a 7z
it just doesn't open
i need this sh*t
just delete your antivirus
hello there
good evening sir
it looks you have to verify your bank account or it will close permanent
for further details message me your bank info
(this is a joke dont report me)
make exclusion folder for your anti-virus
I downloaded the file and ran it, but the extracting did nothing that I can see. It was supposed to pop up with the .exe file but it's not there?
maybe double click the file after extracting :I
if nobody got me, I know my meme folder goose got me
what the fu*k is that
wow i want to do that
I opened Desktop Goose on the smart board in school, but the touchable keyboard does not turn off by holding down esc, how can this be?
get fucked mate
i downloaded and extracted, put yes to all but it did nothin
its very nice!
HaVE yOU cHAngE thE SEttINgs ForM fULl ScrEEn TO wINdoWS?
i download, etracted then what?
howdo i use it?
yeah just how do i stop him without restarting my pc
You hold your esc key or close it using task manager or task manager for mac whatever it was called
thanks :)
If you're on Windows you can use the "Close Goose" program contained in the goose's folder. The folder should be named "DesktopGoose v0.3".
what did you use to make this
is it possible to take your goose for a walk?
I want a non- downloadable please,
i don't think there will be browser addon version of this program
I dont think its possible to do a browser version of this lol
Thats so sad
Are there any plans to add support for multiple monitors? I have 2 monitors and the goose can't render on the second.
If you have the two monitors be separate desktop then you can, but only if you have another goose running on that one
Is there a way to choose which screen the goose will spawn on? I couldn't figure out a way to change it from the main screen even when I spawned multiple.
hey bro i made turkish version of this program (for windows)
if you want maybe i can share it
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How do I add more geese on mac?
How do you put a name above the Gooses head? I saw on a video that there was a name above the Gooses head, and I want to do that.
His not popping up what do I do I'm using pc
bro, plz plz update the mac version to v0.3 plz. cuz then i can down mods and stuff. i beg ya
I can’t figure out how to get him on my ipad
it is for pc
it only pc sorry bro
UseCustomColors - bool YES
also my names cooper not coopert
hi coopert
I’m on apple iPod and it’s not working properly
its for mac computers not ipod
it doesn’t work on my computer either
it doesn’t work on computer either
???? everytime i try to use it it deletes the file not allowing me to extract
I absolutely love this goose guy! And the cherry on top is his ability to be easily modified