not working. everytime i try to open it it constantly is hitting me with a you do not have permission to open this file and all that bull crap. any one knwo whats wrong?
ill tell you just click this Find mods by clicking here. it will take you to all the mods for desktop goose in GitHub don't worry you don't need a account any ways this is rainbowstrobe click here to download it RainbowStrobe (default mod) open desktop goose folder then go to assets>mods, then create a new folder then move everything in the rainbow strobe into the folder you created but not the downloader like WinRAR or somthing like that then rename the folder Rainbow strobe then run the goose then your goose should be rainbow Oh and do what i told you to do with the rest of the mods
Is there any way to disable it, As if i was playing csgo and i wanted him to just leave and not come back? I would like to know before I download this. Like mid-game. Thanks!
ITS SO GOOD! its very cute and if you dont want it sometimes you can easily close it bu going to the folders and clicking the closing file. I RECCOMEND
Spawning too much Photoshop or Excel or even Solitaire will crash your computer. That's not because of a computer virus, that's because of the idiot working the computer
← Return to goose-sperience
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hmmm can i undownload it? if so then TAKE ALL MEH MONEY
hold esc
oh thx
do not i cant get it to stop, HELp!
hold esc
so? ok???i solved your problem.
not working. everytime i try to open it it constantly is hitting me with a you do not have permission to open this file and all that bull crap. any one knwo whats wrong?
No but don't download it. Biggest mistake of my life.
hold esc lol
give permissions to ur local user
how to do a goose like you mod and custom with others things pls tell me samperson @samperson
ill tell you just click this Find mods by clicking here. it will take you to all the mods for desktop goose in GitHub don't worry you don't need a account any ways this is rainbowstrobe click here to download it RainbowStrobe (default mod) open desktop goose folder then go to assets>mods, then create a new folder then move everything in the rainbow strobe into the folder you created but not the downloader like WinRAR or somthing like that then rename the folder Rainbow strobe then run the goose then your goose should be rainbow
Oh and do what i told you to do with the rest of the mods
in config, can you add
"maxattacktime", "minattacktime" and maybe "giveupattack"
maxattacktime=max amount of time spent trying to attack
minattacktime=minimum amount of time spent trying to attack
giveupattack=if it will stop attacking or not (booleen)
wow thx
should i download on my school computer and how should i delete it if i do
plz tell me
Just delete the downloaded files. Or, end it from the task bar, or manager.
but should i download it on my school chromebook
it would not work because it is a chromebook
you can also esc to close it if it supports your device
yes but dont get caught you know what will happen
how to delete it
Press esc or click on close goose
Will there be a windows xp version?
is this a virus?
might as will be
then im not downloading it
Not a virus, but is kinda annoying.
its an joke virus, joke viruses arent often that bad + if it would be an actual virus it wouldnt be i guess
nope is not a virus
it isn't, its a perfectly harmless program. to get rid of it, hold esc
or prob taskkill - end task from taskmgr
esc works
thats what you said + i was just saying other ways to get rid of it
it is not
Can you make it that: "Desktop Goose" can open something? (files,browser,new tab in browser etc.)
there's a mod of that its called clicker it opens random stuff that's on your desktop
can u make it so that u can drag them
does this support dual screen ? it would be nice to ask him to stay on a specific screen or allow him to navigate between them
im using windows 11 and it works fine,
have you tried redownloading it?
good it works fine
your virus protection is probably deleting it
This reminds me of "Runaway Spino" that was released back when Jurassic Park 3 and Scan Command came out.
is the goose compatible with windows
it is kinda buggy if you have 2 screens... for example if the duck chases your cursor to screen 2 it will be invisible. pls fix
i wanted to download it for a little bit then get rid of it and it not working IDK what to do
hold esc
he shot my monitor. 10/10
he isnt kidding.
Is there any way to disable it, As if i was playing csgo and i wanted him to just leave and not come back? I would like to know before I download this. Like mid-game. Thanks!
restart computer
that get rid of goose
Right click on the goose and click “Close”
You need to go into the file where you downloaded: "Desktop Goose" then just click: "Close Goose" :D
just press esc and hold to remove the goose
is this fake tho is this virus pls answer this samperson
what makes you think of that this is a game
It is just a goofy desktop application, it’s no virus, in the sense that it’s proper harmful to your computer, like Bonzi Buddy.
But, it bares a similar vain to bonzi buddy, in that it’s a “Desktop Buddy” application.
However, while people call it a virus, it is actually not at all harmful.
ucan hold esc to close it
This cute goose said: You are very nice! because i won race in GTA V :
how can your turn it off?
you have to long press the “esc” button to turn it off :)
taskkill - hold esc - end from taskmgr
ITS SO GOOD! its very cute and if you dont want it sometimes you can easily close it bu going to the folders and clicking the closing file. I RECCOMEND
it says i need a NET.framework how do i get one?
Just search up .NET or C# :)
nope nvm my computer is "not trust worthy"for me to get a compatble NET framework
I names mine Subway Sandwich
can we close ıt?
hold esc - taskkill - close it
I remember when my sister got this on her computer and we played with the goose. Nostalgia.
this goose is my whole childhood wow.
Silly funnee goos 1!11!!1!!!!!
Sooo i have 100 gooses, help, i want only 1 not 100.
u are a goose magnet
maybe, im trying to get one singular goose but i get more then one.
burn your computer only way to get rid of them
yea sure
Its a virus,
Spawning too much gooses Will Crash your Computer. So its a virus,
just because something can cause your computer to crash doesnt mean its a virus
Spawning too much Photoshop or Excel or even Solitaire will crash your computer. That's not because of a computer virus, that's because of the idiot working the computer
Best friend goose
ikr hes the best
Bro!! you are a real legend. I am a fan now man!
i found a bug where if you run again and again the program,you get more gooses :/
it is not a bug it is a feature
then dont do it, its a feature for a reason, spawning more gooses.
pls let any kind of thing get it
plsss i want it on my chromebook they can help with my homework
Is there a option to let the goose Program running all the time but just let the goose get your attention once every 15 minutes?
yes look in the "config.ini" file
can youu make this available for chromeOS?