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can you make one for chrome books pleaseeeeee i got my hopes up for nothing :((((((((

Try installing Linux compatibility and then install Wine, probably gonna work.

I am typing this literally as i am typing he is tracking mud all over me screen it simple but i find it very cute


This is great, but i was wondering if the goose, when it pulls images out from the side, if it can put it at a random spot on the desktop instead of on the sides? this would lead to having the desktop look more chaotic if the goose is left alone for some time.

uhh idk how to get rid of him, although i love him. someone halp ( im on mac)

Hey, Im on mac too!. In the folder used to download the goose, next to it should be Open Me To Quit Desktop Goose (For me it looks like a robot and the name looks like Open...Goose) that will close the goose. If you want to reopen it again just click on the goose

(1 edit) (+5)

can you make this compatible with chrome os?

I have a chromebook so it won't let me use it.


Yes please!! That would be very great! I've seen so much videos about it but i only have a chrome book

Try installing Linux compatibility and then install Wine, probably gonna work.


I made him bring me hentai lol

Its great, but plz make such a small app so not demanding. I slows down my pc substancially. (Its probably just my pc being stupid though

hey can you make it to where the goose goes away when the desktop isnt being viewed that way he doesnt interrupt games

The point is that its an annoying shit

fair point

and you can blame the goose when you screw up

how do i equip it?

(2 edits)

by equip I assume you mean how do I launch it?

That depends, what operating system do you run?

Windows or MAC?

I only know how to make it work on windows since I've never used a MAC before but in the odds you happen to be running windows here is how you do it.

Windows- extract the .Zip file by right clicking it then clicking extract to then choose the destination. 

Once its extracted open the folder and launch the .exe

(1 edit)

please help i cant make it go away. i dont want to delete it but my mac is locked and its not letting me stop the program

Edit: nvm im just stupid. i shut it down through the terminal. thanks for putting the instructions in the readme :)


can you make it on chrome too please

Try installing Linux compatibility and then install Wine, probably gonna work.


he is so fun and funny but why does he keep leaving my screen and not coming back??

he was hungry and went to the groundskeeper to steal his sandwiches

OMG!!! this is amazing, the most entertaining thing I've ever used


I love how little he respects office culture. Truly a leader.


i just got it for mac & the honking is really annoying is there a way to turn that off?

Just saying but isn't he supposed to be annoying XD

so relatable

How do you get more than one goose on your computer

Deleted 4 years ago

please please pleaseeee make it for chrome

Chrome OS? Or browser?


can we get a linux version?

Can this work on an Apple IPhone


Nope, apple doesn't allow apps to display on top of other apps on iOS.


Pleaseeeeeee make one that is able to run on Chrome :)


omg yess

Do you mean Chrome OS or browser?

the people probably want chrome os but the browser version would be cool



Linux support is a must.


i love this goose, can i have a bird, baby yoda,chicken,mouse,cat or a dog? I want a feature so you can actually choose if it should be a goose or something else please!





my goose won't show up on my desktop

me either

maybe you can reset it or your on the wrong destop

I can help if you are using windows

does anyone know how to change the settings for mac? It says user preferences or something like that but i still don't know what to do.

how do i get rid of it on laptop its annoying now

Press and hold "ESC" for a few sec a bar will come up on the top left and if u want to uninstall it just delete it lol

How do I get my own memes on mac? I've been trying to figure it out but I cannot for the life of me. PLZ HELP ME

you can go into google look for the memes you want. Save them to where ever you save your picture . Now where ever you have the folder where you download the goose , in the folder open up "Assets" , then  "Images" and then " Memes" , when you open "Memes" drag and drop what ever picture you want into the Memes folder. and that's it :D

There is no an assets folder on Mac



please make a Chrome OS version so I can install it on all of the school laptops


I support you! 


i need to do that

My goose won't appear and i don't know how to get him to start messing around.

If you are running windows I can help


Ive filled the images folder with Furry R34. Could do this at my boss pc when he has a interview. 10/10 good coded and fun. shared a photo in the blackarch discord. 

Really cool and really annoying, hope he will be able to annoy me more in the future!


Is there a way for the goose to be for Chrome OS?

can you make a way to customise the goose in terms of colour? also, would be great if you could get it to lay eggs and have chicks hatch out of them. this app is lol though

I really like it, but I wish the goose was more interactive, like the goose being able to move windows around.

btw i figured out how to close it u do ctrl+alt+delete and click task manage

theres a built in way... you hold down esc

Hold down the ESC for a few sec a bar will pop up. keep holding it and then it will go away

HI, how do I add memes for him on a Macbook, I can't find them :((

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