Could you please make a pen for the goose (or, like, a goose house) so that while we're writing essays, etc (important stuff)- the goose won't distract us by walking everywhere all the time?
I have a problem, it is that when I am going to play a shooting game (Counter Strike: Source) the duck overlaps but the game tries to overlap too, so that makes the two overlap each time and they bug, because take off, put on, take off and put on the duck and the game every so often, causing it to be unplayable. Please fix that problem but everything else is good
You should add pecking the goose randomly pecks and clicks on the screen. (There could be long and short pecks!) also add an "Annoy Button" to make the goose mad....
It's very nice and everything but, can it be deleted when installing it? Or will it stay with me forever? And if I open it and want to close it, how do I close it? and is it compatible with windows 7
I also thought nothing happened but it extracted it to a very weird spot. Maybe make a folder on your desktop and select this folder in the extract menue and then execute the GooseDesktop.exe. Hope this will work for you.
i have an idea for one, it called desktop ants where there an ant hill on your screen and ant will come out of it ( the rest is up to you that what i thought of)
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How do you get rid of the Goose
hold the esc button
Pretty funny
However FPS does start dropping at around six geese
I now have a reason to upgrade my CPU
my lap top holds 3
best goose ever
Best goose ever! SO CUTE!!!
I did not know that I needed this. It is so good. Honk
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i want linux build pls
Could you please make a pen for the goose (or, like, a goose house) so that while we're writing essays, etc (important stuff)- the goose won't distract us by walking everywhere all the time?
i agree
Why does everyone forgot the mods?
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idk man
delete the files from downloads
hold esc then when the goose is gone u can delete the files
you could also hold esc for a bit
its not working its just everytime I lanch it it says extrakediles or somethiung
and I cant spell
can you turn it on and off or is it like a virus thing
u turn it off with task manager
i actually just held esc and atthe top left corner it said ,,keep holdig esc to evict goose,,
it no virus
Yooooo, ok so. Go into the files that the goose is located hold "esc" you'll see a bar saying "evict goose" once that's done he should be gone :)
I have a problem, it is that when I am going to play a shooting game (Counter Strike: Source) the duck overlaps but the game tries to overlap too, so that makes the two overlap each time and they bug, because take off, put on, take off and put on the duck and the game every so often, causing it to be unplayable. Please fix that problem but everything else is good
(Sorry my english is not very good)
You should add pecking the goose randomly pecks and clicks on the screen. (There could be long and short pecks!) also add an "Annoy Button" to make the goose mad....
It's very nice and everything but, can it be deleted when installing it? Or will it stay with me forever? And if I open it and want to close it, how do I close it? and is it compatible with windows 7
Click "Close Goose" in the file :)
Ok, Thanks
annoying but cute aww
nice one
man literally made a virus lol
but a wholesome virus
It’s a false positive. Try VirusTotal then you’ll agree with me.
how can I trap the duck???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it wont save my configs please help :(
It is noise but I like tooooooo
Can the goose go to 2nd's screens? Or is only avaliable for one?
I am scared to download it but it seems fun, is there a way to delete it again?
Might send this to a friend
how do i close the goose program?
you need to go to the task manager and find the goose program and then you need to end the program
oh oke, thanks, thought there was a shortcut though
you can hold esc for a while or run close goose bat file
true! that was the shortcut, thanks!
ooooh thanks
你去 downloads,你会找到一个file,它叫desktop goose,你把它delete 掉,关你的电脑, 又 restart过你的电脑就可以了
I can't read chinese
there a big problem and is that when I extracted it nothing happened I tried again but it did not work
I also thought nothing happened but it extracted it to a very weird spot. Maybe make a folder on your desktop and select this folder in the extract menue and then execute the GooseDesktop.exe. Hope this will work for you.
If that doesn't work extract in in your desktop, it worked for me!
Scroll all the way down in your downloads folder, the file date is in 2020
pls, help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
help!!!! i really want 2 trap it
if I know gooses (and I know a thing or two about gooses) I think you should try giving it some bread
What about google img or paint lol
idk ._.
i downloaded it now idk what to do cuz it aint on my screen
its a masterpiece
How do I make the tapping noise when the goose moves stop?
mute your computer
it keep on mooving
I don't think there is a way to trap the duck
how to trap the duck?
hello samperson
i have an idea for one, it called desktop ants where there an ant hill on your screen and ant will come out of it ( the rest is up to you that what i thought of)
thats amazing